The One Workout Arielle Charnas of Something Navy Swears By

We can all agree that Arielle Charnas is #goals. For those who are (somehow) unfamiliar, Charnas is the ultimate when it comes to NYC street style, Instagram, and modern mom realness. Since launching her blog Something Navy back in 2009, Charnas has curated a following of over a million and has turned her Instagram handle into a full-fledged brand of its own. After her blog caught the attention of fashion’s elite, Charnas launched her own apparel collection; now, Something Navy is sold exclusively at Nordstrom, where her new swimwear collection just launched.

The mom of two basically defines what it means to be Insta-famous—and so do her kids! Three-year-old Ruby Lou and younger sister Esme Rae showcase their cuteness to an Instagram following of 83,000 themselves.

In addition to sharing her fashion tips and cute moments with her daughters, Charnas also regularly lets us in on her health and wellness routine, from high-energy dance workouts to partner workouts with her husband, Brandon, who quite often steals the show!

And although her ‘gram paints a pretty picture, Charnas gets very real about her struggles as a new mom dealing with postpartum depression—which, of course, makes us love her even more.

Health caught up with Charnas to hear about how she manages to do it all. Spoiler alert: A super fun dance video and a cute workout outfit can go a long way.

Your workouts look so fun and energetic! How do you keep working out fun and not a drag?

It took me a while to really find that specific thing that made exercise enjoyable. It takes time to try out a few different workouts and figure out what works for you, whether it be Pilates, yoga, running, dance cardio, etc. Getting down to the gym is the most annoying thing ever, but once you’re there, it’s the best feeling. Plus leaving there feeling so accomplished is even better!

We love your workout style! How does the right workout outfit help you stay motivated to exercise?

It’s everything! For me specifically, I document basically every aspect of my life so this is no different. I need to make sure I’m picking something cute that I feel good in, that I want to film myself in and post. Bandier has always been my go-to spot because they just get me and my style, and I always find the cutest pieces there. I love the All Access Center Stage Legging in black. [Editor’s note: Charnas has equity in the brand.]

How has working out with your husband helped motivate you to stay active? How has it affected your relationship?

It’s my favorite thing in the world! We honestly do everything together. We don’t want to do anything without each other; it doesn’t feel right! Exercise is a big part of our lives, and who better to spend that time with than your partner? I’m sorry to sound so cheesy!

What advice would you give to new mothers struggling with body positivity?

It takes time! Give yourself a break. Our bodies change so much from pregnancy, and it will never be exactly the way it was before but different isn’t bad. Learn to work towards your ideal goal and treat your body well—it’s been through a lot!

How do you manage to make exercise a part of your day? What advice do you have for busy moms trying to squeeze in a workout?

Work out early in the morning or when the kids are at school. I train when they’re at school (or Esme is napping or at a class with my nanny). Every day isn’t the same, so I’m lucky to have a super flexible trainer. Sometimes at night when they’re asleep, put your husband on duty and get 45 minutes in at the gym.

How has your wellness routine changed since motherhood?

I don’t let my kids eat junk food as often as I did when I was a kid. Because of what I stock my house with being so much healthier than ever before, my husband and I are eating a little bit better.

You’ve said you had diastasis recti previously. What exercises have helped tighten your abs?

Pilates! I worked with New York Pilates for a couple of weeks postpartum to slowly help bring my abs back together. I learned a lot from owner Heather and was able to take some of her exercises home to do in my free time.

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