al-Qaeda Resurfaces in the Aftermath of the Taliban Takeover

U.S. officials announced that the infamous terrorist network known as al-Qaeda could re-form within the next couple of years in Afghanistan, following the pullout of U.S. troops. 

Some al-Qaeda members have already been seen entering Afghanistan; Osama bin Laden’s former security chief Amin al Haq was captured on video entering Afghanistan in August.  

This news sent critics of Biden’s chaotic withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan into a frenzy, only providing further evidence that his pullout strategy was poorly executed and yielded poor results.  

After all, our whole reason for starting the 20-year war there was the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and our goal was to eradicate the terrorist group responsibly…

And now the Biden Administration’s timely end to the war will bring about a resurgence of al-Qaeda and the uncertain future of potential terrorist attacks.

Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.) has declared that Biden’s decisions are only putting us on “The path for another 9/11.” 

“We are on the road to future attacks, I think you’re going to see that in the next year with al-Qaida 3.0 partnered with Haqqani [Network] and the Taliban.”

The Taliban had control of Afghanistan when Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda launched the 9/11 attacks, crashing planes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. 

And now, after 20 years of war, fighting against the Taliban, and establishing some security in Afghanistan, it’s all been completely demolished in one fell swoop after the Taliban launched a counter-strike following the US withdrawal. 

Several officials are concerned that the takeover of the Taliban means that Afghanistan will once again become a “safe haven” for terrorist groups, and could eventually lead to another 9/11 style attack on the US. 

Former CIA Director and Secretary of State Leon Panetta also spoke about the disastrous path America has put itself on. Panetta gave us a warning, calling attention to the way history seems to be repeating itself.

“The Taliban taking over Afghanistan is pretty much the same Taliban that controlled Afghanistan on 9/11. It’s clear to me that they’re going to continue to support al-Qaeda, and I think they will plan additional attacks on our country, as well as elsewhere.”

The future is uncertain, but one thing is for sure, and it’s that the path America is set on now is likely going to result in future wars and terrorist attacks.

In the end, the 20-year war resulted in few measurable accomplishments, prolonging the inevitable and bringing us right back to where we started.  

To make matters worse, our military is more focused on Critical Race Theory, and “diversifying” troops than they are investing in training and equipment to actually pose a threat against any potential enemies. 

It’s only a matter of time before a great and powerful nation crumbles by the hands of our long-time rivals…

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8 Thoughts to “al-Qaeda Resurfaces in the Aftermath of the Taliban Takeover”

  1. Wyatt Earp

    You can believe it going to happen! Thank to dumb people who head is up their butt! This was getting push by the Obama administration. And being fulfilled by BIDEN ( OBAMA ADMINISTRATION) ! PEOPLE need to STOP believing everything the democrats say or the media printed! 99% of it is LIES!

  2. NancyJ

    We live daily with another kind of terrorism. It is called liberals. They are maliciously tearing down what men and women have fought and died for since 1776.
    If the country is lost it will be due to them with their lying and cheating, overspending, acting like dictators, not defending our borders,
    Our press which was intended in the beginning to keep government in line, has failed us with their abandonment of truth.
    God save our beloved country.

  3. martin smith lll

    Well we can thank soetoro-biden for this and that moron general, what’s his name, oh ya, moron!

  4. ulisesvelez

    now the world security at of other war. in anycountry in the world.

  5. Dennis


  6. Thomas

    We can all bend over and thank crazy dementia old Jose the fraud president who got us into this. And the next terrorist attach will be directly attributed to this Demented, useless as tits on bear hog.

  7. John Marion Hovis

    Looks like Rock Husane Obama’s 3rd rein to take down America.

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