America Continues to Lose its Energy Independence Under Biden

Biden’s energy policies are just for show. He doesn’t care about actually solving the problem. His only goal is to make himself look good.

It’s time for a president who understands the seriousness of the energy crisis. One who is willing to take bold action, and that’s not Joe Biden.

European Leaders Rethink Their Energy Policies Because of Biden

According to Fox News, Biden’s energy policies are hurting the US and Europe. The current crisis even made European leaders rethink their energy policies. We remember how:

  • The OPEC announced cutting their oil supplies
  • Biden claimed he was able to reduce inflation

When asked about OPEC’s announced cuts, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre responded that “oil and gas prices are coming down.”

However, we shouldn’t believe everything the demo-rat says. We all know that the dems are willing to lie their way out…

The Biden administration has resorted to various political gimmicks but no true solutions. One gimmick under consideration includes banning gasoline and diesel exports. Another scheme consists of the continued crude oil release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).

The realities of inflation and high-cost gas remain top of mind as families struggle under the Biden economy…

Europe is now dealing with electricity prices that have increased by 400%.  Hence, this has forced European leaders to rethink their approach to energy.

Biden’s Energy Policies are Just for Show

Biden’s energy policy is underwhelming, costly, and dangerous. Since January 2021, gas prices have been rising because of:

  • Biden’s efforts to halt US oil and natural gas production 
  • His unsuccessful efforts to beg and plead with OPEC

Depleting the SPR to lower gas prices is a desperate political effort to win the recent midterm elections… which will only hurt one of our most important national security assets in the long run.

The SPR was put in place to protect our nation from crude oil supply disruptions such as: 

  • The 1970s oil embargo
  • Natural disasters like hurricanes 

We should understand that releases approved by the current administration will leave us vulnerable if another crisis were to occur…  

Suppose Biden is serious about lowering energy prices. In that case, he will unleash American energy production back to where it was just a few years ago… instead of using up valuable resources for short-term gain.

Meanwhile, Americans think Biden is doing a terrible job handling his energy policies…

According to Newsmax, voters believe Biden’s energy policy will be important after the midterm elections. 

The survey was conducted before Biden announced the release of 15 million barrels of oil from the US strategic reserve. Here are how the results were broken down:

  • 83% say they are concerned about high prices for gas, home heating oil, and other petroleum products.
  • 46% say Biden has done a poor job in handling energy policy, 17% say he has done an excellent job, 21% say he has done a good job, and 12% say he has done a fair job.
  • 72% of Republicans say Biden has done a poor job of handling energy policy, compared to 20% who say he’s done an excellent or good job.
  • 15% of Democrats say he’s done a poor job of handling energy policy, while 64% say he’s done an excellent or good job.
  • 54% of independents say Biden has done a poor job in handling energy policy, compared to 29% who say he’s done an excellent or good job.

From the looks of it, many Americans already know how incompetent Biden is. He removed our energy independence and worsened the crisis more than it already was.

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One Thought to “America Continues to Lose its Energy Independence Under Biden”

  1. […] and his allies want to overhaul the way America uses energy drastically. Meanwhile, our patriots aren’t going just to sit back and let them do […]

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