Is Biden Just A Snake?

This past week, a group of Senators and the White House finally closed negotiations on a major infrastructure plan, projecting a budget close to $1 trillion that’s expected to create millions of jobs while ticking a major box on the Biden Administration’s agenda. What might finally seem like a step in the right direction towards collaboration and compromise is just a stab in the back by the Biden Administration, who introduced an unsavory condition in order to actually pass this bill. The bipartisan infrastructure package plans to modernize U.S. infrastructure…

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Don’t Give Your Privacy Away!

It’s no surprise that real Conservatives hate Big Tech. We want these companies to demonstrate better judgment and stop demonizing conservative thought… We’ve had enough of the leftist media’s biased standards for whose Youtube channel gets demonetized, whose social media account gets deactivated, whose business pages are prioritized on Google, and whose books are sold on Amazon. Big Tech and mainstream media conspire to give special treatment to Democratic opinions online, claiming they’re the only “correct” opinion.  On the other hand, they are silencing the opinion of our Republican patriots……

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American Education is Brainwashing Your Children!

America’s students are being subjected to a new curriculum designed to brainwash them with ridiculous leftist propaganda known as ‘critical race theory’…  It’s completely antithetical to everything that normal Americans of any color would teach their children, and yet it’s being introduced to school districts across the country like it’s some kind of radical movement.  But thats exactly what it is, a movement from the radical left to teach our children that they are inherently at fault for this counties racial problems.  Critical race theory – as defined by the…

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Kamala Harris is STILL Ignoring The Border Crisis

Kamala Harris still refuses to visit the southern border, despite the growing numbers of illegal migrants and increased criticisms she’s receiving from House Republicans. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) invited Harris to visit his district and meet with people on the ground who are handling the border crisis daily so that they could get a better understanding of what is happening. “The situation on the border will only worsen,” Cuellar told Harris in a letter inviting her to the border to assess the situation firsthand. And when a dem’s admitting that, you…

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Dems Are Stripping You of Your Voting Rights

Once again the Dems have come up with another song and dance claiming to ‘defend’ the voting rights of Americans with the “For the People Act”.  The truth is that this bill is nothing more than a smokescreen to put the voting process in the hands of the left… Just recently, in a procedural vote set by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, all 50 Republican members of the Senate voted against this absurd bill, putting it at a stalemate.  West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin is also against this bill, considering…

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