Is Biden Just A Snake?

This past week, a group of Senators and the White House finally closed negotiations on a major infrastructure plan, projecting a budget close to $1 trillion that’s expected to create millions of jobs while ticking a major box on the Biden Administration’s agenda.

What might finally seem like a step in the right direction towards collaboration and compromise is just a stab in the back by the Biden Administration, who introduced an unsavory condition in order to actually pass this bill.

The bipartisan infrastructure package plans to modernize U.S. infrastructure through financing a range of programs that will invest in public transportation, make repairs to roads and bridges, increase the network of chargers for electric vehicles, add expansions of broadband internet services, and clean up pollution and lead service lines in the nations water systems. 

This is one of the biggest infrastructure packages this country has seen in decades, but it’s not going to come without a price.  

Biden pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes with this package, claiming that “it would be good for the economy, good for our country, good for our people.” 

And then he dropped a major bomb, backtracking on his words and revealing a broader Democratic spending package called the American Family Plan that he plans to get passed through Congress by reconciliation.  

In one conversation, Biden claimed to be fully behind this bill, saying that he “intend[s] to pursue the passage of that plan, which Democrats and Republicans agreed to on Thursday, with vigor.” and now he is saying the opposite…

Not much of a surprise from our President. 

His integrity as a leader is under fire after he announced that he would not sign the bipartisan bill unless Congress also passes the American Family Plan; a separate $1.8 trillion package, also referred to as the “human infrastructure plan”.

This plan will invest in education, health care, child care, and tax cuts for families, alongside additional investments into better care for senior citizens, housing, and clean energy.  

A plan like this one doesn’t come without major tax increases, and the way the Biden Administration is planning to get this bill passed, doesn’t give the GOP any say in the matter when it comes to votes. 

Sen. John Barrasso argued that Republicans are not going to support this $1 trillion infrastructure package “if it is in any way linked and connected to” the broader Democratic spending package. He’s calling it a freight train heading towards socialism”

Biden is telling everyone exactly what they want to hear, which is that he fully stands by the infrastructure bill, but not without an ultimatum that puts the Dem’s in a place of power and authority above the rest…

So much for a ‘unified’ country. 

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26 Thoughts to “Is Biden Just A Snake?”

  1. Ally

    Yep he’s a snake. He’s also a communist and needs removed from his current usurped position.

  2. Nancy

    Is Mr. Biden just a snake?
    That too!!

  3. Wharf Rat

    Snake is being kind.

  4. Joe

    This lying, corrupt,racist,sexualperv,senile,frail,old,fool,puppet is worse than a snake,this evil,unfit blithering,buffoon, has destroyed our country, with all his incompetent, minions, it’s time to take this unfit, jackass, out of office, before he gets us wiped off the map, with his stupidity.

  5. Tom

    Some thing is completely wrong when you ower yourself to calling our president a snake. How shameful you are and I don’t want to receive your garbage, low lives!

  6. maria

    He is a despicable creature who hates the US. He should be immediately put in prison



  8. Virginia

    He is worse than a snake and our senate and Congress should remove Biden and Harris, Pelosi,Schumer,Waters,Omar,Cortez,Cheney,Romney,McConnell criminal investigation for treason and be punished full extent of the law.

  9. Lyin briben biden

    Biden and most democrats are reptilian.

  10. Mary J Nelson

    Protect yourself as best you can and only vaccinate if YOU choose to do so.

  11. William

    A self proclaimed TREASONOUS , LIEING , Thief. Pretty much a devious SNAKE, same as in the garden of Eden. Working for the Father of lies.

  12. Michael

    Biden needs to be buried alive in cement!

  13. Jeffrey A Garrett

    Biden is “ANYTHING” and “EVERYTHING” not American.
    He’s below the snake. He should be hung for Trea.
    He never won the election ! Covid-19 is their baby…. By design ! Pretty coincidental Covid-19 hit right during an election. Knowing States would change rules for an epidemic.. Bidens Crap !!! Fallen can keep him.

  14. Richard


  15. john fudacz

    biden is a comunist supporting asshole!that shouldbe shipped to china ,the people he loves,then he can sniff them out

  16. Kenneth

    Calling Tom stupid would be an insult
    to stupid people.

  17. martin smith lll

    biden is just a puppet for barry soetoro and the deminrat, socialist communist party!! And everything anti-American!!!

  18. Mindy Walis

    Biden is a snake! We want our country back and live in peace not fear!!!

  19. Gary and Karen Nelson

    Biden and his idiots that work with him are nothing but COMMUNIST! They are all EVIL people! It is the Black House now not the White House! We need to protect our FREEDOM & LIBERTIES NOW!

  20. Craig Mezey

    Is TRAITOR joe, COMRADE biden a snake. YES. USMC, Craig

  21. Robert L. Kahlcke

    He is and has always been an Operative of The Democrat Communist Party of America.

    That being said, he’s also the “DON” of The Biden Crime Family and is no different than the deceased “DON” of The Mafia Crime Family of Baltimore, MD., Nancy Pelosi’s Father.

  22. Nancy Linda Leinberger

    He a total snake!! Worst President ever in American History!!! They need to get him and VP Harris out also!!!! Get rid of the rest of the corrupt Democratic’s also!!! They are ruining our country!!!!

  23. russell remmert

    biden is a total liar and cannot be trusted

  24. mike

    its a shame y would anybody let a person do t things he has done terrible

  25. Ted


  26. Ted


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