Who REALLY Wants to Defund the Police?

If there’s one thing the dems are good at, it’s blaming others for their mistakes while the media tells everyone that they’re the ‘good guys’.  The newest hot topic is that the Republican party wants to defund the police… Naturally this is coming from the left, who are trying to cover their tracks after a rising surge of violent crimes has swept the nation.  Fact of the matter is that the Republicans have been fighting to refund the police for a while now…  Rep Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) defended the Republican…

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Biden Needs a New Babysitter

If there’s one thing the mainstream media has proven, it’s that the White House press team are Biden’s best babysitters… especially during press conferences. A few months ago, Biden was mocked by the media when he began his Q&A at a press conference in Geneva for being safeguarded from outside questions. Before the Q&A, he said bluntly, “I’ll take your questions, and as usual, folks, they gave me a list of the people I’m going to call on.” Biden only takes questions from pre-approved reporters… I guess that’s one way…

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The End of Suburbia?

Buried deep down on the dems proposed infrastructure bill, is a rule putting the federal government in charge of rezoning single-family homes out of your neighborhood and replacing them with multi-family low-income housing.  So if you’re thinking of moving into a quiet neighborhood where you can safely raise your family, then think again because Biden is implementing a federal takeover of local zoning laws. If this plan is approved by the Senate, then it would essentially be reviving a previous Obama-Biden program known as the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, or…

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Is Biden “Covering Up” His Incompetence as a Leader?

Is Biden’s outreach during the Miami building collapse incident being used as a “cover up” for his incompetence as a leader? Is he really being proactive or is the mainstream media just using this tragedy as a way of building his image? A condominium collapsed in Surfside, Florida last 24th of June.  The building contained 136 apartments and 55 of them collapsed… leaving piles of debris.  The search and rescue operation is currently suspended in preparation for tropical  storm Elsa. Right now, the team is prioritizing the demolition of the…

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The Dems Want To Silence US!

Rudy Giuliani, former President Trump’s personal attorney has been involved in several political conspiracies and he’s most known for his involvement in the 2020 presidential election investigation. He was so involved in fact, that he was practically sitting on the answers to what really happened during the scandal that lost President Trump his second term… Giuliani got a little too close to the truth, and the New York appeals court suspending his license to practice law in the state, without even giving him the opportunity to dispute the charges at…

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