Biden Hires 87,000 IRS Agents After Passing Inflation Reduction Act

Biden continues to make inflation worse in America. He is determined to ruin our economy with his irrational decisions. We cannot allow him to continue on this destructive path. We must stand up to him and fight for the future of our country. So far, we’ve seen the administration:

We all know that his Inflation Reduction Act will only do the opposite. It won’t solve inflation at all, and America is now in more danger than ever. This treacherous new bill will make it harder for families just to get by. We must stop this destructive legislation from taking effect any further!

Now, Biden hires more IRS agents after passing his bill. There’s a chance the administration will do something about our taxes. Unfortunately, this won’t solve the inflation problem at all. Many of our patriots are angry about this decision.

Biden Hiring 87,000 IRS Agents

Florida’s chief financial officer, Jimmy Patronis, doesn’t trust Biden and his Inflation Reduction Act. Patronis emphasized a part of the law that includes funding of over 87,000 new Internal Revenue Service agents.

Patronis wrote in a statement, “Biden just signed into law a bill that supercharges the IRS. No one asked for this. It will target Florida. He should have stayed on vacation.”

The CFO also said that billions of dollars will only be used to shakedown the middle class. He said, “It spends $80 billion and funds 87,000 personnel to shake down small businesses and the middle class. I know they’re going to target Florida, so I’ve put forward four proposals to throw their red tape right back in their faces.”

Patronis added, “Florida has attracted $24 billion of income; largely from the Blue States. Biden’s IRS wants to shake down small businesses and the middle class in Florida. We won’t let them.”

The dems hate small businesses because the owners can’t afford to make campaign contributions… and small employee groups are less likely to be unionized. Meanwhile, they like big companies that can be blackmailed into playing with the woke agenda… and have many unionized employees.

Moreover, Fox News co-host Will Cain warned that the government is coming for the “little guy” after the Inflation Reduction Act was passed. He said, “They’re coming for the little guy. They’re coming for you. Hey, all over big cities, businesses big and small are being smash-and-grabbed… and taken advantage of by armed robbers. Clearly, the IRS is looking at all of these.”

Then he added, “Think about this: Why is Joe Biden hiring 87,000 new IRS agents? Well, it could be that in part, he’s helping out the IRS and then, by extension, helping out the Democratic Party.”

Around 87,000 agents are supported by $80 billion with this bill.  Why not use half that money for school security?  It seems like 1000 new agents per state should be enough and 37,000 officers to guard our schools.

Once again, Biden is failing the country with his terrible decision-making…

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