Kamala Harris Continues Making More Mess this May

Kamala Harris / Gage Skidmore / July 3, 2019 / Flickr / July 3, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0 Kamala Harris is not the leader that our country deserves. She has failed in every way possible. All her wrong turns are eye-openers for America. Now, citizens are realizing they wasted their votes on her because she makes things worse! We’ve seen her: Waste $25 million to implement liberal voting restrictions Get slammed for ignoring rising war and inflation Use her race and gender as excuses to counter criticism against her…

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NY Highest Court Strikes Down Unconstitutional Congressional District Maps

Interborough Express / Metropolitan Transportation Authority of the State of New York / Flickr / CC BY 2.0 Several courts rejected New York’s latest congressional district maps. They claim that this movement pushed by the liberals is unconstitutional. New York dem Governor Kathy Hochul signed the congressional district map a few months ago. The demorat gives her full support because this will give her party an unfair advantage.  This will realign 22 districts into democratic areas…  which results in the GOP losing 4 seats. Hence, this could have significant consequences…

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Title 42 Removal Will Lead to a Migrant Surge

Alejandro Mayorkas Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, USA / World Travel & Tourism Council / Flickr / CC BY 2.0 The Biden administration has been a disaster when it comes to immigration. Their inability to deal with this issue is one of America’s worst failures. Our country has been struggling to fix our borders since Biden took office. The immigration crisis is getting worse as time goes on. Despite the great start that President Trump left behind for Biden… the demo-rat still didn’t take his advocacy seriously.  Biden’s pride stops him…

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Dems and Big Tech Continue to Silence Conservative Voices

Gmail / Stock Catalog / Flickr / April 27, 2018 / CC BY 2.0 The dems and Big Tech companies are constantly working to silence our conservative opinion. They never give us a fair chance… making sure they always have the upper hand. The liberal media uses tactics like this to reshape public perception. We’ve seen how: Youtube silenced two right-winged channels Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube banned President Trump’s accounts Youtube removed the visibility of the number of dislikes Even after Elon Musk bought Twitter, the leftists are still determined…

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Biden Gets Sidetracked AGAIN With Handling Inflation

Joe Biden / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / August 8, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0 The Biden administration continues to make Americans suffer for their incompetence. They’re terrible at everything they do… especially with the handling the federal budget. America continues to feel the inflation caused by the administration. We’ve seen: How we started the year with a 7% rise in consumer prices – the highest we got in 40 years Biden led America to a food shortage Our country lost its energy independence The administration wasted $1.5 trillion on…

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