Biden’s Inaction Worsens Baby Formula Shortage

Baby Formula Locked Display / Mike Mozart / Flickr / January 15, 2020 / CC BY 2.0 The inflation that the Biden administration caused led us to food shortages. The citizens suffer most because the dems in power are not doing their job right. Our country also experiences a baby formula shortage due to Biden’s incompetence. His lack of action has led to the current crisis, and he should be held accountable. This critical shortage can put our babies at risk of not getting the nutrition they need. Parents are…

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Biden’s Leadership Has Caused Inflation to Worsen

The Biden administration’s handling of inflation has been disastrous. Prices are soaring, and the economy is suffering as a result. Inflation rates have continued to climb since Biden took office. Some of its causes are from the current administration, specifically with: Their excessive spending They led us to a food shortage Them taking away our energy independence Prices are spiraling out of control. This is especially difficult for families who are struggling to make ends meet. Things are only going to get harder for working families…. especially if the government…

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New WH Press Secretary Not Doing Well in the First Month

The White House has become more corrupt in the past few years because Nancy Pelosi kept manipulating the facts with her lies. We’ve seen her: Use the stock market’s confidential information for her own benefit Use Covid-19 as an excuse so she wouldn’t be pressed about Hunter Biden’s laptop Call the Republicans a “cult” during a visit to England Force vaccine and mask mandates for Americans Pelosi stepped down as White House Press Secretary last month. Unfortunately, the person who replaced her is just as bad as she was. There’s…

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America’s Economy is Dying Under Biden

Stock market buy sell recommendations / / Flickr / May 18, 2018 / CC BY-ND 2.0 Ever since Biden became president, our economy has been very unstable. We’ve seen: Consumer prices rise by 7% in January – the fastest increase in 40 years The dems wasted $1.5 trillion on unnecessary domestic programs Biden removed America’s energy independence The administration wasted federal funds for Covid mass testing and vaccines Harris threw away $25 million to manipulate voting laws The liberal’s plan of canceling student debt loans These are some reasons…

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Biden Gets Sidetracked AGAIN With Handling Inflation

Joe Biden / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / August 8, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0 The Biden administration continues to make Americans suffer for their incompetence. They’re terrible at everything they do… especially with the handling the federal budget. America continues to feel the inflation caused by the administration. We’ve seen: How we started the year with a 7% rise in consumer prices – the highest we got in 40 years Biden led America to a food shortage Our country lost its energy independence The administration wasted $1.5 trillion on…

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