Biden Announces Plan to Ban Assault Weapons

Biden announced at a House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in Baltimore, Maryland… that he would ban assault weapons. He promised to do whatever it would take “come hell or high water.” 

Biden Vows to Ban Assault Weapons

Biden cited Delaware as having one of the highest rates of gun ownership despite its small size. The President’s statement came after a shooting at Michigan State University, resulting in three deaths and six injuries. The Justice Department will allocate:

  • $231 million to support crisis intervention programs
  • Red flag programs
  • Other initiatives aimed at preventing gun violence

Attorney General Merrick Garland shared his thoughts on the matter. He said, “These awards will support the kinds of crisis intervention programs we know. [It will] save lives and help protect children, families, and communities across the country from senseless acts of gun violence.”   

Biden noted that the funding could also be used to educate the public about: 

  • Extreme risk protection orders
  • Train law enforcement officials in their use

However, Biden’s comments about banning assault weapons may not be met with enthusiasm by Republicans in Congress who resist gun control measures, and any such legislation would likely face significant opposition…

The administration has prioritized gun control, and Democrats in Congress have introduced several gun control bills… including one that would strengthen background checks. 

While gun control remains a contentious issue in the US, with many arguing that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to bear arms… the administration hopes to make progress on this issue to reduce the number of gun-related deaths in the country.

Dems Determined to Disarm Civilians

Biden announced that the Department of Justice would give over $231 million to states for crisis intervention projects… including red-flag programs, to curb gun violence. 

The funding aims to: 

  • Help states create and implement programs that identify potential dangers of gun violence
  • Enabling judges to confiscate firearms from individuals who may be dangerous

The move marks the fifth anniversary of the Parkland shooting. This was where a gunman killed 17 people at a Florida high school.

Red-flag laws are often initiated by family members, police, or doctors… who must first petition the court to remove the firearm. The action can result in the gun being drawn for up to a year. The shooter in the Parkland shooting was known to have several red flags against him… including having been tipped off to the FBI and having been the subject of multiple 911 calls.

The bipartisan gun safety bill, signed into law by Biden in June, allocated $750 million to help states administer red-flag laws and other intervention programs… including funding for mental health treatment. 

Biden stated that red-flag rules only save lives if: 

  • Community members use them effectively 
  • Called on Congress to pass legislation banning assault weapons 
  • Requiring background checks on all gun sales
  • They eliminate immunity for gun manufacturers who put weapons of war on the streets

From its looks, Biden is very determined to take away our right to bear arms and our Republican culture… for their political agenda.

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