Biden Drops Out: The Lies That Lead to His Demise

Today, lying about everything seems to be an essential quality for any democrat politician…

But things used to be very different. There used to be actual consequences for dems lying about everything they could.

Here’s the story of why Joe Biden was forced to drop out of the 1988 election… and why the mainstream media wants to make sure you never hear about it.

Most people don’t remember the 1988 presidential election… and the media wants to keep it that way. 


That’s simple. 

It shows exactly what Joe Biden’s really like… proves how false the liberal media’s compliments are… and demonstrates why no American should ever trust ANYTHING he says.

Picture this: it’s 1987. The dems are looking for someone, anyone, to run against George H. W. Bush.

Despite people already being concerned about Biden’s apparent inability to form a sentence, he quickly became one of the top choices for dems.

That’s when people started asking the inconvenient questions.

Questions like “why did you lie about how badly you did in law school?” and “why did you pretend you were part of the Civil Rights Movement?”

In other words, questions that Biden couldn’t possibly answer, because he’d been lying about all of it.

Despite claiming to be one of the best students in his law school, Biden was actually one of the least talented, failing over and over again, then just making up a fantasy about being successful.

At the same time, Biden kept claiming he’d been part of the Civil Rights Marches of the 60s… despite his constant series of racist claims.

Obviously not true. Again, it’s a fantasy that Biden made up to feel better about himself, to convince dems that he was ‘one of the good guys’.

The thing is, lying used to matter… and the media used to actually bother to call out lies from dems.

Once they found out the truth, it was all over for Biden’s campaign. He knew there was no chance of winning a campaign when every possible voter knew just how much of a liar he was.

The thing is, Biden was still making many of those same lies (and a whole lot more) throughout the 2020 campaign.

Curiously enough, the media didn’t really bother to say anything about it… no exposes about Biden’s history of lies… no coverage for his son’s blatant corruption… barely even a sentence about his collapsing mental ability.


Because they saw what happened last time. They’re not going to say anything bad about anyone on their side… even when the truth is blatantly obvious.

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74 Thoughts to “Biden Drops Out: The Lies That Lead to His Demise”

  1. DD

    About time to take the position of our forefathers, “GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH”.

    1. ward

      Now all the biden lies have proven criminal treason that is internally destroying U.S. Citizen’s Constitutional Freedom & Rights ! All dem leader liars supporting biden & shadow bo are #1 U.S.A.’s enemies that command removal from U.S. Government ! There is no place in the U.S.A. for commie dictators & dem leaders are proven biden supporting china & all NWO tyranny dictators while destroying U.S.Freedom & Rights !

      1. NNI

        Way past time! Lets start IMPEACHMENT now!!!

        1. DennisBAnderson

          I want my pound of flesh. These people need to be brought up on treason charges and hung by the neck until dead.

        2. Bev Viessman

          Get him Out!!! He is a disgrace to the USA.

  2. Trish

    See, I remember that, and still wonder why in the world anyone would let a known pedi and liar anywhere near our children let alone our government? It tells you something about the left. Keep the idiot around a while longer and we’ll find a job for him.

    1. ward

      Tells all accountable U.S. Patriots that dem leaders & biden’s appointed crony regime are wannabe marxist, Islamic wannabe dictators to totally eliminate from the U.S.A. !

    2. Moika

      Yeah, making license plates. He’s a communist like no other. Maybe we should put the SS signia on his collar.

  3. Era

    I just came out off shower feeling nice and clean!
    After reading all this nasty stuf i need to have anouther double shower !
    How did we get to this point ? Was it because of our leaders ? Is money and SEX so important they sell thier sole on a chance they will not go to hell?
    I can say you may pay the price while on earth , if fact GOD AND JESUS IS YOUR JUDGE THEY SEE AND KNOW EVERY THING ! So BETTER WATCH OUT . BETTER BE GOOD!

    1. ward

      The U.S.A. “In GOD We Trust” is the #1 weapon to destroy all the biden dem leader commie wannabe dictators ! NO doubt a war for Freedom is won by GOD’s souls ! A dem’s support for tyranny dictator regime over U.S.A. is now their own demise !

  4. Kenneth H Frazier

    Biden will not last until the end of this year and it’ of my opinion that their party will be gone within two years. No I’ll put my crystal away.

    1. E.G. Hammond

      I agree about Biden not lasting until the end of this year, but not so much about the other part. Something needs to happen for conservatives to get some control back soon, or I think WE will be the ones with our party gone forever, which is the whole point of why they cheated in the election. It wasn’t just to get the WH back, THEY want it all to the point that only the Democrat party will be left for the one party system the Globalists want to have.

      1. Terry

        Yep, IT’S all about CONTROL.

      2. Linda M DuBois-Gravitt

        Scary stuff

    2. ward

      The biden stench of treason is controlled by bo’s shadow wannabe dictator whims ! A marxist, Islamic bo wannabe dictator stench for 13 years must be totally eliminated ! The blm, antifa gang thugs are bo’s owncreated gestapo type of terrorist genocide !

    3. RGriffin

      I pray you are right. I too would like to see that comunist party destroyed.

      1. Monika

        They’re already taking over our country and no one is dong a damn thing about it.

  5. Ellsa

    Biden is ‘right if passage; good ol’ boy network’. A total disaster! If they fail as a Congressman, then just promote to their level of incompetence. That’s politics!!!

    1. Ellsa

      This Chinese shi* changes words to fit their sorry software. Should be ‘right of passage’.

    2. ward

      B.S.; these biden dem leaders are the #1 U.S enemy destroying Freedom & Rights !

  6. Michael S Dowling

    We the people need the card board cut out for a president as his vice will be far worst than we have now… the worst of the worst has been cheated into the new woke house..

    1. ward

      Both, including the biden appointed marxist cronies are U.S. enemies to remove !

  7. george majoros

    Who cares about 1987 I care about NOW

    1. Terry

      Once a liar always a Liar!

    2. ward

      The biden stench is like a bo cesspool of libturds with a beginning that has to end !

  8. Jerry kitchens

    Common is this goin to bring about civil wr. Agonist this Gov. ? Or we going to have a legal election ? LETS HAVE BETS ON , THE DATE MINUTES & HOUR OF THE CONCLUSION ! PUT MONEY DOWN & THE WINNER GETS TO GO TO THE TRUMP COMPOUND FOR A WEEK!!!

  9. "DJ"

    Who else would there be for the Dems? They
    are ALL LIARS…..EACH OF THEM. This “half-wit”
    might have the least lies to try to hide. They are
    all crooked and it goes back decades and decades.
    Tell me one with any sense of principles and you
    won’t find it in the Democratic party.

    1. ward

      NO doubt the commie dem leaders are liars & a #1 U.S. enemy to destroy !

  10. Alice

    I knew the first time i heard Joe talk on tv that you could not trust him on anything he said Joe is one big lair he stold the. election
    Joe did everything he wanted to do that is dedtory every one plus Kill AMERICA that is what he wanted to do and he’s doing it


    1. Shelia Landman

      I am not privy to what God has planned, but I am CONFIDENT that HE has a much bigger plan in store than any Democrat is able to thwart ! ! ! Their agenda is definitely not a part of God’s laws and the consequences of ALL their lying, cheating, and voter fraud to steal the 2020 election will haunt them forever, finally making them realize that it wasn’t worth it after all.

      1. ward

        The bo shadow with rice are the controlling stench of biden’s treasonous E.O.’s ! Maybe GOD is telling Christian, Patriots to obey his commandments or lose it ! ?

    2. Terry

      Same with Obama!

  11. Gerry Coughlan


  12. Joseph kusic

    this man is a liar, deceiver, a coward, he dodged the draft during vietnam, 5 deferrments, called us veterans fools for going into the military, told Americans that all the manufacturing jobs will never come back along with u know who “O”, remember that, while making deals with China & Iran, I am sure him & the VP do not expect nothing in 2022, but I think impeachment is becoming a reality for them, he needs to be jailed for his yrs.of pernicious activities againest america

    1. ward

      In other words, biden is #1 proven example of a cowardly dem stench of treason !

  13. Randolph Chin_Quee

    Has anyone heard the fase liar liar your pants is on fire to whom were they saying this to anyone remember this well they were referring to the liar Hillary Clinton but now we should all say to sleepy joe biden liar liar your pants are on fire every time he tells another lie as well as all the lying corrupt untrustworthy democrats.

    1. ward

      The bo, hilary treasonous crimes for 8 years are crimes of non-justice & now evident !

  14. James Hutchins

    Biden is a Rapist and a Racist lying Hypocrite politician who should be impeached for Treason and Sedition against the American People and the Constitution.

    1. ward

      NOW he appears as #1 enemy guilty of high treason crimes to destroy U.S. Freedom !

  15. Concerned

    Can’t say much more, everyone that previously told all. I can say that the people he is confirming might even be worst them puppet Biden. They are all confirmed Marxist. The one thing I would like to ask. Do the ones in control now realize that once they allow China to take over this country, that they, the dems, will be of no further use to China, and they will be exterminated?

  16. Jean Borden

    It is so wonderful to see all this truth in print! Thanks to whoever let it see the light of day. All we hear from the left is lie after lie, after lie.

  17. Dutch

    The trouble with impeaching Sleepy Joe, and believe me, I would like to see him gone, is the one who would replace him. That would be Harris and she could well be worse than Sleepy Joe.

  18. John Galt

    When you think Biden, think Bidet. He is only good for washing one’s genitals.

  19. Christina L. Kelley

    Impeach, Impeach them all!!! Then throw them in jail!!! For Treason!!!

  20. T Beach

    Didnt he try to run again and had to drop out for stealing someone else speach??? Pretty sure he got caught plagurizing somebody and dropped out of some race.

  21. Corruptionhater

    Biden isn’t going to last until 2024. He won’t even make it for a few more moths. It has been confirmed that Biden isn’t even Biden. He has been dead for two years. There is a paid actor using those new full facial body masks (not the covid masks) and if you look at him with a really good long look, his face is all wrong. It appears younger. The age spots are gone. Also, consider his insistence of almost always having to wear the covid medical mask. Why? To cover his face so we can’t see the face of the actor showing though. Boy have we all been duped.

  22. Mary J Nelson

    Remember if Bideb goes, Kamala Harris gets in. From bad to worse?

  23. Mary J Nelson

    Bye Bye Biden

  24. Mary J Nelson

    If joe goes, Kmlala goes into office

  25. ward

    Nope, both are guilty of vote fraud crimes with all dem leaders prosecuted for treason !

    1. joan dinnel

      then its pelosis who becomes president. which is worse,, biden, hunter, harrie or peolosis as president

  26. D Martin

    Nobody in the history of politics has lied more than trust fund baby, serial bankrupt, grifter & cheater on all fronts trump. You have been played. Biden sucks, but is till far superiors to trump. We have been divided on these issues while the real powers rape & pillage our planet, & our children’s futures ,please wake up & stop drinking the Fascist coolaid!

  27. D Martin

    LOL wow what are you smoking.,

  28. Holly Davis

    God is in control!!! They (the evil left,) think they are in control. All they are doing is fulfilling God’s will. And as prophesied, God allows them(the evil left), to believe their own lies. They will be destroyed and we will never have to deal with the evil ever again. Be strong, courageous, and DO NOT FEAR THEM. GOD WILL SEE US THROUGH! Now is the time to be sober and vigilant and to build your faith in THE ONE AND ONLY , KING OF KING’S, LORD OF LORD’S, JESUS CHRIST!

  29. Cheryl

    All those in the WH have lied some much, they don`t know the TRUTH! Get them all out. America deserves HONESTY.

  30. Sue

    It’s a Sad 😭 Day what our America has become ..Because we allow Forighners In our America Breaking all Laws in our America ..True Americans Citizens are too Soft ..That’s why we as True Americans Citizens will be Destroyed by these Forighner s Who are Communist Socialism Marxist Also along with Media Groups who hate our America ..God Bless America and our True Americans Citizens ..From all Evil Running our America Now ..



  32. RGriffin

    I feel like it’s a decomposing body. Tired of the Dems being “above the law”.

  33. LMGaerisch

    Because of Biden’s lies and removing our Military from protecting Afganastan, the Taliban took over. Who’s next? Pakistan? India? Or any country who happen to have “sleeper” Taliban agents in it?
    This jerk needs to be Impeached along with Pelosi, Schummer,Harris, the whole damn lot working with him.

  34. N A

    Beijing Joe O’ Biden has lied to We The People since 1971 when he entered Congress. That’s ALL Beijing Joe knows what to do just like the Biden Crime Family.

  35. Wanda Maryin

    It’s past time for impeaching Biden. If we don’t something ASAP there will be no Free America. What he’s done in Afghanistan is nothing but Biden selling us out to Communism. He’s abandoned the Country he’s supposed to taking care of. No longer supports the 1st and 2nd amendments nor the Flag.
    This sooooo sad. My uncle and my dad served in World War II. All of men and women who sacrificed everything so that we may be free. And now you are leaving those who’ve served all these years in Afganistan and now you are leaving them behind. I think criminal charges should be brought against him.

  36. ajk

    It is time we “sweep” the White House CLEAN! They know not what they do! Forgive them Lord.. The whole Democratic Crew! They are NOT the party of yesteryear…They are now the party of “doom!” Do not know “how” they can sleep at night!

  37. Robert E. Altee

    The Democrats have been steadily infiltrating all facets of our Nation even before 1950. They have all but destroyed the educational system by inserting communist-inspired “educators” and proven communists to teach students from Kindergarten through universities the fundamentals of communism. Senator Joe McCarthy tried his best in the 1950s to eliminate communism but
    unfortunately, he died in 1957 and politicians in general then ignored what his intentions were. The Democrat party seized the opportunity and began to train and implant most of their party members into socialist and eventual communist-trained “agents”. When I was about to enter my senior year of engineering at Georgia Tech, my father introduced me to a giant in the US Government – Senator Richard B. Russell, Chairman of thee powerful Senate Armed Forces Committee. He had been a senator for almost 45 years, and was a Democrat. I told him I wanted to become a politician and get elected to serve in Washington so I could help him rid the Government of scum and dishonesty. Senator Russell took a sip of his bourbon and water, and asked me, “Bobby, have you lost your mind, boy?” I replied that he and I together could quickly get rid of hundreds of unworthy elected political scum and restore honesty to politics. His reply was, “Bobby, there ain’t no such thing as an honest politician.” I told him I believed him to be honest, and he just laughed. He then told me he had managed to be a US Senator for almost 45 years by being as dishonest as all other real politicians. That day, I quit the Democrats and became a Republican. He was correct – there is no such thing as an honest politician. The Democrats have just applied their demand for power and wealth along with their insistence on total control of all citizens – in short, total communism – too far. Their forthcoming losses in the 2022 elections, followed by their further losses in 2024 will enable the Republicans to rid our Government and all communist educators of their current positions. This Nation must remain without socialism and communism. We must remain free of tyranny. Full Democracy must be our goal.

  38. Pierre Brobeur

    Brother Altee I agree 110% people need to realize that it been a long slow take over of many different part of ours society a very well plan to take over but it’s all based on people not knowing once people realize they have been deceived they will raise and demolish them BUT people need to wake up! Lots of brainwashed people by mainstream media propaganda pushing fears it’s easier to brainwashed people than to convince them that they have been brainwashed the best way to break brainwashed people isn’t arguing it builds a wall it’s by asking question that you know the answer and let them reflect on it it’s hard to argue with your self

  39. Jim roberson

    Right on on Bidon is a Commie! Impeach him!

  40. anthony manzo

    HOW about trying him for TREASON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. Robert L. Kahlcke

    Lets Go Brandon.

    The Communists must be destroyed at all costs.

  42. Dan Del Rosario

    The comments above are all good. I hope more people, in particular the dems-libs, will read or see more of this type of reporting and these good comments.

    Unfortunately, the dems-libs have powerful allies like the biased and partisan bigtech and the media. And worse part of these allies is that our own DOJ, military, FBI and other intelligence have been politicized and protect and safeguard Biden and his SOCIALIST swamp buddies. This is really bad.

    However, we must all stand up together, especially the silent majority, to take back and save America by voting out all these SOCIALIST dems-libs out of office this coming 2022 and 2024 elections. LET’S FIGHT BACK!

  43. George Vargas

    I agree with all of you. From Ward to Robert E. However, besides venting via texts, we must get involved with tangible and peaceful activities. For example, volunteer to assist a local conservative group. Have IT experience? Help to prevent those ” computer glitches” and “vote flipping” scripts. Volunteer to assist at the voting stations to monitor the “vote often w/o an ID”. Volunteer to disseminate our message, peacefully, and present the facts. Don’t allow “emotions” to distract from our message. We have the facts: they only have loud emotions and faul language. Ignore MSM and follow the Conservatives talk hosts. We can do it, peacefully. We can perform a Congressional blood transfusion next year. We will then regroup and focus on the White House. My vision? We can be in control for the next 18 years solely due to the Democrat’s unrealistic dream of fundamentally transforming our 244 year-old free and capitalist nation to a socialist one in couple of years. Insane.

  44. Zepher Zipping

    I’m sure it’s not Bidens who’s calling the shots here . There’s many un-american politicians in the democratic party who wants nothing more than to watch America fail , it’s there commitment to there country of origin , or hate for America and it’s freedoms , God and his only begotten son Jesus Christ , it’s ours to inherite , eternity , ITs our country and don’t give up on it .

  45. James

    I wonder if Biden co-mob team and him are going to hell fie after there bodys die?after all the so many sins they did and planning to do to good people and lost people?.i bet they don’t think there ways are sinful at all
    Because they are rich and they are upper class.good people know binder
    And his co-mob teams are really about them selfs .they are only a really
    Evil mob group that really out of touch with god and Jesse and good people!!!!.meaning they are die in side of them selfs and they are soulless
    That a fact.

  46. carol exposito

    Corruption made the man and it paid off in 2020 with an equally corrupt media.

  47. Robert Walter

    It’s very difficult to take back a country when every entity of government from top to bottom has been corrupted. It’s in our military, department of justice, CIA, system of elections. There are no one left to trust. One day Christ will return. Get right with him, now.

  48. A Seeker

    Two FOOLS are running our be loved USA! Shame on us!

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