Biden Plan: Say Anything, Do Nothing

Like the saying goes, talk is cheap…

And no one seems cheaper than Joe Biden, making countless promises… and then refusing to do anything about them.

Here’s why Biden and his dem allies don’t even bother to do anything but talk:

When a competent president comes up with an executive order, it means ‘this is getting done’. It’s been that way for practically the entire history of America…

And why wouldn’t it? 

There’s nothing stopping a President from carrying out the plans they’ve made… unless they never meant to do anything about those ‘plans’.

This week, we found out just how pathetically inactive the Biden administration really was.

You might remember how, just a few months ago, Biden swore he’d stop providing American money and weapons for the Saudi Arabians to use in their pointless, evil war against Yemen.

Even though the plan had some obvious loopholes, it at least seemed like a positive change… seemed like Biden might follow up on President Trump’s stand against these wars.

But no one expected Biden to just give up and walk away from the plan without having done anything at all…

Even the dems didn’t know what was going on. 

In fact, they demanded an answer from Biden… and got nothing. 

An anonymous dem aid explains it pretty well: 

“Months after enjoying an initial public relations victory by announcing an end to U.S. involvement in offensive Saudi actions in Yemen, the Biden administration has yet to offer any specifics on the nature of previous or current American participation in the Saudi-led war”

In other words, Biden’s all talk, no action – whenever it matters the most.

Paying the Saudis millions of dollars for their slaughter in Yemen isn’t even the only example… time and time again, Biden’s announced a plan, been praised for it by his allies in the media…

And then gave up at the last step, refusing to sign the executive orders, while ignoring anyone telling him to do his job.

But in this case, there may be a “reason” for Biden’s refusal to act…

With a huge number of his top advisors profiting from arms deals, there’s every chance that Biden’s team is simply putting profits above doing the right thing

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6 Thoughts to “Biden Plan: Say Anything, Do Nothing”

  1. Billy

    He and his supporters want a one party nation ie; a communist nation.

  2. Leilani

    I don’t get why the US is keeping those kids at the border when they should be sent back to their parents/grandparents/aunts and uncles.
    What is wrong with Biden/Harris – they seem to be stealing kids.

    1. Consequences

      They,re probably finding someone to traffic them.

    2. kennethhfrazier

      Because they are Evil Leilani, that’s why!

  3. Mary J Nelson

    Return them to their homes ASAP. And hopefully far enough away from the border that do not just walk back.

  4. Robert

    To believe that there are still a lot of people believe in really very hard to think that people living in our great country are true Americans, one can only believe there are so many that actually wanted a socialist, or communist run country. BUT, obviously it is true, so many hate a Democracy led country.

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