Hunter Biden Laptop Proven Real

Remember what happened to the Hunter Biden laptop story? 

Just days before the election, Big Tech decided to do everything they could to control the news – to prevent you hearing the truth about Hunter Biden’s crimes.

Now, they’re starting to admit that, not only was everything on the laptop real… the story’s even worse than it sounded at first.

If you just listened to the mainstream media leading up to the election, you’d never have heard anything about Hunter Biden.

In particular, you’d never have heard about his laptop, or what was on it…

Just before the 2020 election, Americans across the country should have been shocked to hear about the vast series of crimes and grotesque decisions that the dem nominee’s son had carried out across the last few years.

Instead, the dems and their allies in the mainstream media decided that it just wasn’t news… that no one needed to hear that Biden’s son was completely deranged. 

In fact, they did even worse than that… they conspired to stop anyone sharing the story across social media, automatically deleting any posts about Biden’s laptop… or what was found on it… 

They all pretended that the laptop was fake news… a ‘Russian conspiracy’… a ‘bunch of garbage’, according to Joe Biden himself…

Now that it’s too late for the information to make a difference, the facts are slowly coming to light.

According to the Daily Mail gossip site, not only was the laptop completely real… the contents are even worse than anyone thought at first. 

Apparently, Hunter Biden’s drug habit wasn’t just affecting him… the site has claimed that “Hunter’s laptop is brimming with evidence of apparent criminal activity by Hunter and his associates including drug trafficking and prostitution”…

And a truly bizarre series of texts may show that Biden only started his run for president to give his son a chance to help out his son.

It may sound nonsensical… but here’s what some of the texts actually said (with the spelling fixed): 

Hunter: “Having made clear to the world that [your] only reason for not running is your family problems I’m glad to be the f-ing bullseye you painted on my back…

Your team just made me the uncontrollable troubled tax cheat philanderer sex and drug addict that you tried so hard to fix but couldn’t…

If you don’t run I’ll never have a chance at redemption”

Just 2 months later, Biden started his run.

Of course, if he hadn’t, there’s a good chance the world would never have found out about Hunter Biden’s history of crime… 

And the mainstream media certainly wouldn’t have done so much to cover up the truth.

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10 Thoughts to “Hunter Biden Laptop Proven Real”

  1. Alllan Tallant

    Now that it’s too late for the information to make a difference, the facts are slowly coming to light.

    According to the Daily Mail gossip site, not only was the laptop completely real… the contents are even worse than anyone thought at first.

    Apparently, Hunter Biden’s drug habit wasn’t just affecting him… the site has claimed that “Hunter’s laptop is brimming with evidence of apparent criminal activity by Hunter and his associates including drug trafficking and prostitution”…

    And a truly bizarre series of texts may show that Biden only started his run for president to give his son a chance to help out his son.

    It may sound nonsensical… but here’s what some of the texts actually said (with the spelling fixed):

    Hunter: “Having made clear to the world that [your] only reason for not running is your family problems I’m glad to be the f-ing bullseye you painted on my back…

    Your team just made me the uncontrollable troubled tax cheat philanderer sex and drug addict that you tried so hard to fix but couldn’t…

    If you don’t run I’ll never have a chance at redemption”

    Just 2 months later, Biden started his run.

    Of course, if he hadn’t, there’s a good chance the world would never have found out about Hunter Biden’s history of crime…

    And the mainstream media certainly wouldn’t have done so much to cover up the truth.

  2. Ada

    Joe Biden, Harris both need to be Impeached Immediately and Removed from our White House and Capitol Immediately.
    Hunter Biden should be arrested and put in Prison 😠

    1. Nancy A A West


  3. dick

    Hunter is a real piece of shit and I hope we can put this piece of thrash in prison where he , his dad and two uncles all belong. This is one rotten family and they all belong behind bars for many years.

    1. donald handy

      And Joe’s wife as she was all in.

  4. Elaine E

    Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Schumer, AOC and many other criminal leftists should be removed and put in jail for their traitor schemes and list that have put out country in danger. They are listening to OBama and Michael/Michelle and that is a problem in itself. Stop these crooks and put our rightful President Trump in office immediately. Someone must have the authority to overturn these traitors. They should be in JAIL NOW. God Bless our beautiful American and its loyal citizens.

  5. Elaine E

    What is wrong with the comment

  6. Elaine E

    Just get rid of the Biden administration and their communist and socialist ideas the put back our real President Trump in office now. He is the only one who can save us from China and Obama. We all know the Biden family and their associates all belong in jail so what is everyone waiting for. The election was rigged, stolen, lied about and the media and Silicon Valley and the movie actors and actresses didn’t help either. Someone has to do something fast or we will have no country left. HELP. And get rid of the illegal immigrants instead of giving them benefits. Our American children should be receiving these benefit and they should be deported asap. God bless America.

  7. Buck Fiden

    The Deep State has completely taken over our government. Remember former AG Barr with his secret weapon John Durham? He was going to get to the root of all the treasonous behavior in our Government. Notice how Barr & Durham are now simply just gone? No coincidence here. Hillary and all the others roam free.. This government is rotten to it’s core! Be prepared for Biden to step down soon and the stinking vp Harris becomes the head of this defeated country.

  8. Michael S Dowling

    If this was a republican they would have been inder the jail… and we believevyou king biden that you will not stop the doj invetsigation. SURE you will

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