Biden Promises His Allies BIG Profits

Since 2016, there’s been a lot of baseless talk in the mass media about ‘corruption’… President Trump’s legitimate business deals have been subjected to an almost unbelievable (and completely unacceptable) level of scrutiny.

And yet, when Biden’s top allies openly promise to ‘capitalize on’ their connections to the Biden administration, the media is nowhere to be seen.

You already know why it’s not being covered – but what’s the full story behind this obvious corruption?

In 2018, several former government officials started an investment company called Pine Island Capital, boasting about their ‘deeply-connected’ partners…

That’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one. 

Featuring several former senators, a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ambassadors and more, Pine Island Capital is practically a who’s-who for major dems.

In fact, Biden has recently selected Pine Island Capital partner Antony Blinken as his Secretary of State pick.

Leading up to the election, Pine Island Capital boasted about their connections – and how they were going to profit from them. Here’s a quote from one of their press releases:

“In the near term, we believe the defense market is well positioned for secular growth as geopolitical tensions, and a rogue nation and terrorist threat environment continues to be present”.

That’s right.

While President Trump tirelessly works to bring our heroic troops back from pointless wars started by Obama, Biden’s team are already planning the next one – and how to profit from it.

Right after the election, Pine Island Capital became even more brazen, declaring that “the reputations and networks of Pine Island Capital Partners’ team… will ensure exposure to a significant number of proprietary opportunities”.

In other words, they’re boasting about corruption. They want to take advantage of opportunities that do not exist for any non-connected company or individual, no matter how talented – and they’ve just been given a top spot in the Biden administration. 

Again, no surprise that the media isn’t covering this – they do not want people like you to know about the corruption that goes on directly behind the scenes.

Instead, they want to pretend that President Trump – a man who literally ran on draining the swamp of corruption – is the bad guy. 

Pine Island Capital is far from the only firm planning to make shameful amounts of money from corruption – they’re just one of the most obvious.

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  1. American


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