Biden Spends More Than $800 Billion for Woke US Military

Biden’s latest effort to ruin the economy is passing the Defense Authorization bill. 

Our patriot leaders did their best to prevent the administration from spending more than necessary. They have raised the alarm over this amount of money. 

Moreover, they argued that it does more for padding the pockets of defense contractors… than helping average warfighters or combating threats. 

Despite the conservative’s efforts, they couldn’t stop the dems from ruining our federal budget.

Biden Signed $858 Billion Defense Authorization Act Days Before Deadline

Biden recently signed a massive spending package into law which: 

  • Authorizes sending $800 million to Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative
  • Outlines over $800 billion for the Department of Defense alone
  • Funds $30 billion to the Department of Energy due in part to growing threats from China and Russia
  • Thwarts the Biden administration’s own efforts to retire the BA bomb… which is said to be stronger than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima
  • Allows funding to support pay raises for service members

The act also includes $45 billion more than Biden initially requested….

Nancy Pelosi said in a press, “The number is higher. There is some reluctance about a higher defense bill. [However,] our needs are greater.”

Although Biden supported specific objectives of this act, he raised concerns about provisions requiring him and officials to submit reports involving highly sensitive classified information… or bar them from complying with court orders. 

Defense funding has passed, without fail, every year since 1961. There were 11 senators who voted against the bill.

Will the Defense Act Result in a Stronger and More Effective US Military?

The bill is said to strengthen military readiness by prohibiting early retirement of combat platforms. Specifically it:

  • Calls for the procurement of 11 Navy ships
  • Restores funding for sea-launched nuclear cruise missiles
  • Acquires a 12th Coast Guard cutter

Moreover, it also lifts the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for service members… while shrinking the Army’s end strength by 33,000 soldiers due to the recruiting crisis. 

The military has big issues, and the woke administration has created them. Recruitment is down. People are leaving behind a career in the military due to “wokeism.” 

In reality, the defense act would only fund the woke military, focusing only on racial and gender equality. They’re not focusing highly on military training itself.

Hopefully, our military quits emphasizing wokeism… and their newfound vendetta against white military folks. They just need to teach everyone to fight for America.

We could enhance our military without spending a dime and save money.  Simply end all the woke training and policies that weaken our military.  

These are our warriors, and they already have a code of conduct.  In the military, there is no need for additional training on social topics. Soldiers follow orders, and that is all they need.

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