Biden Wants More Gun Control After GOP Wins the House

The Republicans are winning the House in this midterm election.

This is a huge victory for the Republican Party… which means we are winning the battle for the country’s future. However, the dems aren’t happy about it.

Biden Calls for More Gun Control Before GOP Takes House

Biden calls for more gun control before Republicans take the House in January. He believes that the recent shooting at an LGBT nightclub in Colorado… had reinforced the need to pass an assault weapons ban.

“The idea we still allow semi-automatic weapons to be purchased is sick,” said Biden. “It has no socially redeeming value. Not a single solitary rationale for it except profit for the gun manufacturers.”

He added, “I’m going to try to get rid of assault weapons.” 

Biden said he would push federal lawmakers to enact a new assault weapons ban before January. This is the time when Republicans are expected to control the House. 

Fortunately, there are some Democrats who oppose Biden’s gun ban…

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis declined to endorse Biden’s call for a ban on “assault weapons.” Instead, he is willing to further licensing requirements for certain “high-powered weapons.”

Polis is relatively a conservative on gun issues, and he has criticized calls for assault weapons bans in the past. 

The governor was asked by NBC News whether or not he would support a federal ban on assault weapons Biden proposed.

In response, Polis said that expanding gun regulations should be looked at. It’s not just about gun policy. Mental health and divisive rhetoric factors also need to be addressed.

He said, “It’s not just about gun policy. Yes, that should be on the table to discuss thoughtfully and rationally. But we also need to talk about mental health. We need to talk about the divisive rhetoric that even some people who aspire to leadership positions in our country, unfortunately, use almost every day.”

“That’s the kind of thing that we should be looking at nationally. But not to the exclusion of all these other things that we’re talking about… which can be important as well,” he added, referring to measures to address mental health.

Experts Say Banning Guns from Campus Would Leave People Vulnerable

College campuses have come under the threat of violent crimes. Others are reeling from the violence that played out near or on campus in recent weeks. 

Currently, 23 states leave the decision to permit or ban concealed carry firearms to the individual college.

Fox examined how many college campuses allow for concealed carry… and if it’s a viable option to help protect students from potential tragedy. 

Crime Prevention Research Center Founder and President John Lott shared their thoughts on Fox. They said, “College campuses generally have low crime rates… but safety is always important. The police can’t always be there. A little over 60 percent of colleges with more than 2,500 students have armed officers. They average just 2.4 officers per 1,000 students. Only a fraction of those officers are on duty at any time.” 

They added, “Just like with police off campus; campus security can’t protect everyone.”

In reality, banning guns won’t bother criminals. These people don’t follow the law in the first place. Instead, Biden will only endanger law-abiding citizens because they won’t be able to protect themselves.

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