Biden’s Climate Change Policies Causes Energy Prices to Go Up

Biden continues to destroy America’s national energy. If he continues with his current policies, we’ll have to depend on other countries for our energy in a few years. He’s ruining our economy and destroying thousands of jobs in the process.

Gas prices have continued to increase since Biden became president. Some people blame him for the rising costs. Unfortunately, it’s not entirely clear what he should do to bring them. It’s something that’s been bothering many people lately.

Biden’s Actions on Climate Change Causes Gas and Electricity Prices to Go Up

This July, Biden announced new steps to combat climate change. Rep. Debbie Lesko says that Biden’s executive actions on climate change are hypocritical. In reality, his terrible policies cause gasoline and electricity prices to go up.

Moreover, the administration would spend $2.3 billion. They plan to help communities cope with soaring temperatures. It will be done through programs administered by the following: 

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Department of Health and Human Services
  • Other related agencies

The patriot leader shared her thoughts on Newsmax. Lesko believes Biden’s push for all wind and solar power isn’t realistic. She said, “To turn around and say, ‘Well, we’re gonna do this to lower your energy prices,’ It’s just not realistic.”

She also reminded us that gas and electricity prices had increased drastically. Lesko said, “Ever since President Biden has taken office, we’ve lived under [their] rule. The gasoline prices have gone up, and electricity prices have gone up. I would think that they would turn around and think, maybe our policies aren’t too good.”

Then she added, “We need baseload power for the energy electricity grid… especially if more electric vehicles are going to be added onto the grid. The electricity demand will be higher… he has this all-out war against US-produced oil and gas.”

Biden is Destroying National Energy

Senate Minority Whip John Thune is also disappointed with Biden’s actions on the energy crisis. The patriot leader shared his disbelief on Fox News.

Thune believes that Biden is not tackling the root cause of the problem. The patriot leader said, “He should declare an energy emergency. The president and his policies have crushed energy development in this country.” 

Then, he emphasized that America needs to become energy independent once again. Thune added, “We need to get our energy producers off the sidelines. [They should be] back into the game producing American energy. [We should ] make America energy independent. The president’s policies have led us to ask other countries to ship the liquid fuels we need.” 

Thune also believes that America has had enough of Biden’s incompetence. He added, “So his poll numbers are because the American people get this. They understand clearly. This is the direct result of his and his administration’s policy decisions. They’ve got to change course if they want to change his numbers.”

His approval rating continues to go down this July. Especially during this time when America is experiencing an energy crisis. We need President Trump to help regain America’s energy independence…

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One Thought to “Biden’s Climate Change Policies Causes Energy Prices to Go Up”

  1. Wyatt Earp

    You seem all these solar panels on TV pushing their ads. But they never really tell you the truth. Some gone out of business due to FAILURE! Some just get government involved to gain taxpayers money. But NOT ONE OF THEM HAS THESE SOLAR POWER RUNNING THEIR COMPANY HEADQUARTERS! So why pushing it upon the people?

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