Biden Tested Positive After Pledging to Stop Covid-19 Almost Two Years Ago

We remember Biden promising almost two years ago that America would be “Covid-free by the 4th of July.” This was one of the many pledges from the demo-rat that failed to ever be delivered.

Ironically, Biden tested positive for Covid-19 this year in July. His diagnosis came shortly after he: 

This shows that even the most cautious person can’t always avoid getting sick. It seems that the dem’s policies on Covid-19 are not absolute.

Biden Tests Positive for Covid-19

WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre revealed that Biden had received the vaccine and two boosters. She said in a written statement, “President Biden tested positive for Covid-19. He is fully vaccinated and twice boosted and experiencing very mild symptoms.”

Then she added, “Consistent with CDC guidelines; he will isolate at the White House and continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time. He will continue to work in isolation until he tests negative. We will provide a daily update on the President’s status as he continues to carry out the full duties of the office while in isolation.”

Biden also posted a video on Twitter to tell how he’s doing. He said, “I’m doing well. I’m getting a lot of work done. I am going to continue to get it done. And in the meantime, thanks for your concern, and keep the faith. It’s going to be okay.”

So far, none of Biden’s 17 identified close contacts have tested positive.

WH Wants Biden to Be Active After Covid-19 Diagnosis

The former White House press secretary also shared her thoughts on Biden’s diagnosis. She wants the WH to make Biden active after recovering from Covid-19. Pelosi said, “[What the White House needs] to do over the next few days is show America that Biden is still an active president after his recovery. [They need] to do over the next couple of days is show [President Biden] working… and show him still active and serving as president, and I’m certain they’ll likely do that.”

Psaki added, “[Biden] has a doctor who is his doctor. Every president has access to the best medical care in the world. Every White House, regardless of whether you’re going through a pandemic or not, is prepared for the president to serve in a variety of places, locations including recovering from Covid in the White House.”

However, even without Covid-19, Biden was never active as a POTUS. The demo-rat was ignorant, indecisive, and incompetent for the most part. He will never be an active

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2 Thoughts to “Biden Tested Positive After Pledging to Stop Covid-19 Almost Two Years Ago”

  1. Donald

    When people wake up to the science behind the ineffective and very dangerous mRNA vaccines and the conspiracy of pushing them on the public heads will roll! Buden. Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Fauci, many members of the House and Senate as well as top level officials of the FDA, NIH, CDC, AMA, DOJ, FBI, DHS, all Military branch and others should all be arrested and brought to justice for their crimes against humanity by falsely promoting these vaccines as “safe and effective” while knowing that they were neither!

  2. Wyatt Earp

    Til I see all of these fool who pushing the vaccine in person getting the shot. And I meant the same stuff they given other. Want to watch the nurse take it from the bottle into the needle. Then into these fools arms. There no way I’m going to believe these fools! This seems like a way for killing off the population.

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