Biden’s Irrational Student Loan Agenda

The Biden administration announced that they would erase student loan debt for disabled Americans. This move from the administration is expected to wipe out $5.8 billion in debt.

It may sound like they’re making things fair by helping people who want a higher education be able to afford one. But in reality, that’s not the case…

The debt is not being “erased.” It’s being shifted onto the shoulders of blue-collar workers who never attended college.

The lawyers will get rich fighting for disability cases. While universities will raise tuition… and the blue-collar workers will pay for it.

On the other hand, the administration also extended the pause on loan payments to January 31st, 2022. The administration has mentioned that this is the final extension, but it wasn’t the first.

They believe that this gives borrowers more “time to plan” for their payments. 

Dem Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona shared his thoughts. He said, “The payment pause has been a lifeline that allowed millions of Americans to focus on their families, health, and finances instead of student loans during the national emergency.”

He added, “It is the Department’s priority to support students and borrowers during this transition and ensure they have the resources they need to access affordable, high quality higher education.”

However, from the looks of it, these twisted dems are unfair to parents… especially those responsible enough to pay off their school loans…

Biden Should Stop Playing Favorites
Last year, a parent who paid all his student debt confronted dem politician Liz Warren… as she talked about her plans of canceling student debt. He asked if he’s going to get his money back.

Warren answered with a cold, “Of course not.”

This made the parent furious because he worked on a double shift for his daughter’s education. On the other hand, his friend only took vacations and bought cars… and all of a sudden got a huge part of his loans forgiven.

The parent replied, “So you’re going to pay for people who didn’t save any money. [While] those of us who did the right thing get screwed.”

The Biden administration is playing a game of favoritism right now. They took for granted the effort of the parents who made their sacrifices to pay their children’s student loans. In contrast, those who haven’t get forgiven with their debts that easily.

Republican Rep. Virginia Foxx is against the extension of the student debt as well.

She said, “This extension does a grave disservice to borrowers across the country, and our children will pay the ultimate price for this irresponsible delay. Secretary Cardona is using the permanent pandemic narrative to wield power rather than enact responsible solutions to help borrowers get back on track.” 

Then she added, “I regret that Secretary Cardona did not show real leadership by working with Congress to responsibly transition the portfolio back into repayment… It is nothing less than a dereliction of duty.”

These twisted dems may show that they care. But the hard truth is they’re just making things worse amid the inflation Biden caused with his massive spending plans.

Canceling and delaying student loans only angers parents who already paid their obligations. If the government wants to unite America, they need to stop playing favorites…

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6 Thoughts to “Biden’s Irrational Student Loan Agenda”

  1. Juanita Coffelt

    Why are Congress and their employees exempt completely from paying student loans? Many Americans make much less money per year than them and are not exempt. Plus Congress works less than half a year for full time pay, with lots of extra perks and can’t even get a budget done on time. Seems like they either need to do the job they’re being paid for, with ALL rules applying to them that we have to live under, or their jobs should be abolished. Many departments should be completely eliminated, starting with Education, energy, etc. These should be run by the State, without Federal interference. Past time to put a stop to the Federal government’s over reach.

  2. William Santo

    Shame on you and your administration!!!
    Judgement day will come for all of us!!!

  3. GERI

    “They need time to plan” for repayment! W H A T ? THEY SHOULD HAVE HAD A PLAN before they entered into a LEGAL CONTRACT to repay the amount of assistance [money] they were granted. ALL who accepted student loans are OBLIGATED to repay them!!!! Over 50 years ago, I graduated with a bachelor degree AND $10,000.00 to repay. Compared to todays values, that is equivalent to about $70,000.00 today. Yes, we struggled to repay those loans – it took a long time, but a commitment is a commitment [unless a person was involved in a totally disabling, permanent event] The government MUST stop coddling people. RESPONSIBILITY MUST BE RELEARNED!!!!!

  4. martin smith lll

    biden is the puppet and soetoro is the buppet master!

  5. Dennis G.

    Politicians are a useless commodity that we have to live with. Most of them became politicians to do as little as they can and live off of their cronies who dole out huge donations and expect favoritism in return for it. The majority of them couldn’t hold down a real job that requires brains, Its a shame that term limits aren’t in force and we have to put up with the old dogs for decades. Case in point; Joe Biden who has done nothing for the country but F it up for 50 years. Our only hope is to vote these useless dead bodies out at mid-term election.

  6. GLK

    Absolutely!!! I could not agree more. We MUST continue to stress, without mentioning political parties, that the only way to remove those who do NOT have our best interests at the core of their beings, is with our votes.

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