Biden’s Latest Collapse: The Facts

It’s hardly news at this point that Joe Biden is in awful shape, and that the media doesn’t want you to know it…

But when he collapsed THREE times while climbing the stairs to Air Force 1 this weekend, the charade got even more ridiculous.

How much longer are the dems and their allies in the liberal media going to keep pretending that Biden’s fit for the challenge?

This weekend, Joe Biden went a step too far…

The steps leading into Air Force 1, that is. When climbing into the presidential plane, Biden stumbled, stumbled again, then collapsed on the stairs, completely unable to climb (or even grab the railing).

Just the latest of Biden’s injuries – the bleeding eye at a debate, the damaged ankle from the shower, any number of other falls and slips…

And yet, the media has been suspiciously silent about the whole thing. They’ve barely discussed it – and taken Biden’s word for everything whenever they’ve had to bring it up.

The fact is, you KNOW how much the media would have mocked President Trump for falling over like this. 

You probably remember how much they mocked the President for taking his time walking down a slippery ramp. 

According to the headline in the New York Times, Trump taking his time ‘raises new health questions’.

But when Biden literally collapsed just climbing a few stairs, the Times had a very different take…

This time round, the headline in full read:

“Biden is ‘doing 100 percent fine’ after tripping while boarding Air Force One.”

Spot the difference? 

Yet again, the hypocrisy has become obvious. Trump gets spurious headlines about “health questions” for taking things slowly… Biden gets a direct quote from his press secretary telling you there’s nothing to worry about, despite his series of injuries.

What happens next time? How far does it have to go before the media admit there’s some serious problems with Biden?

Are they really going to try to play it off for four years? They should remember just how unable they were to disguise Hillary’s infamous collapse – it’s not going to work. 

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