Blinken Lies to Protect Biden’s Reputation

Blinken Stalls on Whether Administration has Mismanaged Foreign Policy Crises

Secretary of State Tony Blinken covered for Biden’s incompetence during the UN National Assembly…

Blinken dodged an important question of whether or not the administration has “mismanaged key foreign policy issues” in recent months.

Instead, he changed the topic and spoke about what he described as a positive reception to Biden’s foreign policy approach. He asserted the international community was overwhelmingly receptive to Biden’s approach.

“We could spend time talking about each of the specifics you referenced. But what I’ve heard here this week, especially in the wake of the president’s speech, was a very strong view. Almost across the board with everyone… I spoke to them about their appreciation and… their support for the vision that President Biden put forward in speaking to the General Assembly.” Blinken said at a news conference.

Blinken shamelessly continued to build up Biden’s ego… making him look like the good guy, “The emphasis, the focus he’s given to dealing with COVID-19, to dealing with climate change… resonated throughout this institution… but so did the emphasis that he put on multilateralism and on standing up for human rights and democracy.”

But the truth is Biden has mismanaged everything he’s been involved in ever since he became president. The current state of America is squarely on his shoulders.

We’re seeing Biden’s credibility drop through time. A recent Quinnipiac University poll from this October showed that 53% of respondents disapproved of his performance as president.

He destroyed American freedom, security, credibility, and divided our nation… arguably more than any president in history.

Blinken added, “As I said, we can talk about each of these specifics. But I’ve got to tell you, what I’ve heard the last couple of days in response to the president’s speech… and the direction he’s taking us in was extremely positive… and extremely supportive of the United States.”

If someone won’t answer a question directly… that means a truthful answer would be embarrassing. So just imagine the most embarrassing answer and assume that’s the truth. Blinken did a great job “dodging” the question… whether the Biden administration has mismanaged key foreign policy issues

All he had to say was a quick “yes” or “no.”

The Biden Administration is bankrupting America, morally, spiritually, and financially. The dems want to: 

  • Take our guns 
  • Take our money
  • Force medical experiments on us
  • Restrict the free press, our free speech, and our right to verify elections
  • Eliminate our veto power by eliminating the filibuster

The fact that Blinken hasn’t been fired is proof of chaos ensuing inside the White House. These twisted liberals have hijacked the country. The media and big tech are their accomplices.

Now, 22 GOP lawmakers are calling for Blinken to leave office…

South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman is one of them. He said, “First of all to describe Blinken is gross deliberate incompetence. You can’t make the mistakes this man is making.”

Sen. Rand Paul also hated Blinken for his insincerity as a leader, “Never in my worst nightmares did anyone … conceive of such a colossal incompetence.” 

Yes, we may have the worst demo rats seated in power right now. But we’re still fortunate to have our patriot leaders continue fighting for what is right.

Blinken and the other dems who cover for Biden’s incompetence must be replaced…

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2 Thoughts to “Blinken Lies to Protect Biden’s Reputation”

  1. Aniruddha Ideaki

    Confederates are right!

  2. Charles Neet

    Folks we all know how destructive the knucklehead in the WH and his entourage are and what their trying to turn the U.S into. Quertion i ask is what and when to we take his throne away,to we wait till he’s devastated the country or to our elected leaders hear our voices and feel our pain and draw up his impeachment papers and kick the bastards ass out and back to the basement.

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