House Republicans Warn Biden of Nuclear Deal with Iran

Joe Biden / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / August 21, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0 Biden has proven more than enough that he isn’t the leader America deserves… We can be sure that Biden creates a crisis everytime he gets involved in something specifically the border crisis, inflation, supply chain, meat industry, and crime. When it comes to foreign matters, Biden always does the wrong thing, and  we’ve seen how much he humiliated our country through poor relations with China, Russia, and Afghanistan. Now, Biden is returning the nuclear deal…

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Border Agents Fed Up With Biden’s Empty Promises

Joe Biden / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0 Up to this day, the Biden administration is still failing to make significant progress in fixing our borders. To no one’s surprise, the immigration crisis continues to get worse. It looks like Biden’s pride won’t let him continue President Trump’s works on the border.  It’s just disappointing that despite the great start that Trump left behind for his POTUS successor… Biden only took his advocacy for granted. The administration that we have today is most likely responsible for the…

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LA Sherrif Slams County’s Decision of Terminating 4,000 Unvaccinated Deputies

Police / Evan Wood / Flickr / December 29, 2008 / CC BY 2.0 The liberal leaders seated in power continue to do a terrible job of managing the crime in America… Several cities across the country faced a major spike in violent crimes. In Los Angeles, police data reported that the city has 2,752 violent crimes this year. It’s over a 4% increase from 2020… Despite the surging crime rate in the city, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a motion a few weeks ago to terminate…

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Biden and Harris Slammed For Ignoring Rising War and Inflation

Biden has been under fire for ignoring public discussion about the Russia Ukraine war, he also doesn’t seem to be taking any actions to help our Ukrainian allies or American citizens.  Aside from making any decisions about the war, he also continues to ignore the inflation crisis that is only getting worse…  Despite that, Psaki has announced that Biden will “absolutely” discuss inflation in his state of the Union address on Tuesday.  ”First, let me say, the president will absolutely use the word inflation [Tuesday] and he will talk about…

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Hillary Clinton Plays the Victim in the New York Democratic Convention

Senator Clinton giving her speech to a room busting at the seams of Clinton supporters. / Clinton and Lewis II / Flickr / October 12, 2007 / CC BY 2.0 We all know that Hillary Clinton is one of the fakest people in the liberal party… Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice John Durham exposed Clinton’s misdeeds against President Donald Trump last February. It was reported that the demo-rat paid a tech company to spy on Trump before and during his presidency. To no one’s surprise, Clinton…

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