FBI, DOJ, and Biden Administration Block Evidence Against Hunter Biden

The FBI, the DOJ, and the administration have protected Hunter Biden from facing any consequences for his illegal activities.  They allow privileged criminals like Hunter Biden to escape justice… while average citizens are expected to adhere to our nation’s laws. It’s unfair that they stand by while someone in power gets away with such atrocities.  This blatant misuse of privilege must come to an end! We need a just system where everyone involved is held accountable for their actions. Their last name shouldn’t matter at all. The American people wouldn’t…

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Biden Administration Sued By Energy Groups for Recent Decisions on Energy

Joe Biden is the one to blame for our energy crisis. Under President Trump, the US was an energy-independent powerhouse.  But with one swift stroke of Biden’s pen, that has all been thrown away. We are again faced with a looming dark cloud of energy reliance on foreign nations.  Energy Groups Sue Biden Administration Two big energy groups filed a lawsuit against the administration. Namely, they are: The Western Energy Alliance The Petroleum Association of Wyoming  It alleges that the Biden administration has failed to comply with federal law, which…

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Manchin Pretends to Care for the Border While Implementing Liberal Agenda

Our patriots have rightfully lost their trust in Joe Manchin… especially after he endorsed the Inflation Reduction Act. This policy is expected to strain our economy. Moreover, it shows how questionable Manchin’s intentions are. Manchin Wants White House to Keep Title 42 Border Policy In a letter to the White House, Manchin and three lawmakers from Texas implored administration officials to extend the Title 42 order. This legislation blocks illegal immigrants from entering the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention invoked Title 42 in March 2020. Specifically…

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Supreme Court to Hear a Second Challenge to Biden’s Student Loan Handout

Joe Biden has been conisistently ruining our economy and now has gone too far with with his student loan handout… It’s a costly, irresponsible move that only further illustrates the president’s unchecked power. Moreover, it lacks regard for following the law.  This administration is crossing boundaries with these outlandish decisions. Biden’s Student Loan Handout Suffers Another Setback The dems are still determined to make us pay student loans with their hard-earned money. The administration plans to cancel up to:  $20,000 in student loan debt for Pell Grant recipients in college …

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Harris’ Communications Director Steps Down After One Year of Service

Kamala Harris has once again disappointed America. Her recent policy decisions show a lack of understanding of our country’s issues. She is more interested in favorability than in doing what is right for our nation. Harris Attends Secretive Meeting of Influential Dem Donors Harris attended an event hosted by the Democracy Alliance. This is a group of left-wing millionaire and billionaire donors. The Call Center Workers United Twitter account posted two photos from the event. This included Harris holding a microphone while speaking to an audience. “Our very own Katrina…

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