China Rejects Biden Admin’s Military Leaders Meeting Request, Deepening Strained Relationship

China has rejected the Biden administration’s request for a crucial meeting between military leaders, according to a recent report from Fox…  This refusal adds to the growing concerns over the relationship between the US and China. China Rejects Biden Adminsitration’s Invitation for Meeting Between Military Leaders The Biden administration hoped to do the following during the meeting: Yet, China’s refusal to engage in this dialogue raises questions about:  The rejection comes amidst rising tensions over various sensitive topics. This includes China’s:  With China’s rejection, the potential for miscommunication and escalation…

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Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Declines Request from House Oversight Committee

The House Oversight and Accountability requested Hunter Biden’s records and information. Specifically about his family’s business dealings. However, Hunter Biden’s attorney declined that request. Now it’s more apparent that they’re hiding something. Hunter Biden Rejects House Oversight Request for Records Atty. Abbe David Lowell characterized the proposal as lacking a legislative purpose. He proposed a meeting between the committee members and Hunter Biden… to determine if he has any information relevant to a legitimate legislative purpose. Lowell also stated that the committee’s jurisdiction to investigate private citizens is limited. The…

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Biden Administration to be Banned from Selling Oil to China with New Bipartisan Legislation

Since taking office in January 2021, the Biden Administration has sold at least 2 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to UNIPEC… which is a state-controlled China Petrochemical Corporation subsidiary.  Republican lawmakers criticized the administration for this. They believe that selling a key US national security asset to bolster China’s economy is unacceptable.  The White House has defended the deal, stating that it is legally required to sell SPR oil to the highest bidder. Manchin and Cruz Unveil Joint Bill to Block Sale of US Oil…

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TikTok Affects the Mental Health of Children in Schools

TikTok has become an alarming menace to the security of our nation. This means Americans are sharing sensitive data which foreign adversaries could easily access. Now children’s mental health is also affected by TikTok… Seattle School District Sues TikTok for Wreaking Mental Health Crisis on Students Seattle Public School District sued TikTok… as well as other big tech companies… for wreaking a mental health crisis among its student body. The lawsuit alleges that the companies’ algorithms recommended pro-eating disorder content to students.  It seeks punitive damages and for the tech…

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FBI, DOJ, and Biden Administration Block Evidence Against Hunter Biden

The FBI, the DOJ, and the administration have protected Hunter Biden from facing any consequences for his illegal activities.  They allow privileged criminals like Hunter Biden to escape justice… while average citizens are expected to adhere to our nation’s laws. It’s unfair that they stand by while someone in power gets away with such atrocities.  This blatant misuse of privilege must come to an end! We need a just system where everyone involved is held accountable for their actions. Their last name shouldn’t matter at all. The American people wouldn’t…

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