Dr. Fauci Hides His Involvement with the Covid-19 Origins

Dr. Anthony Fauci continues to insist that he has no involvement with the virus’ origins. Despite the mounting evidence against him, Fauci continues to maintain his position that he is innocent. However, this is causing many to question his motivation. Fauci had prior knowledge of China’s plans regarding the new coronavirus. The demo-rat kept this information secret until it was too late. He must be held accountable for his actions. Our patriot leaders are working tirelessly to expose Fauci’s lies. They believe he is purposely trying to mislead the American…

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Right to Contraception Act Passes on House; But Unlikely to Pass on Senate

The House of Representatives passed legislation that federally protects birth control access. This also includes allowing medications used to induce abortion.  In a 228-195 vote, lawmakers passed the Right to Contraception Act. There were 8 Republicans who voted with Democrats to support the legislation. These were: Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.) Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.) Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio) Rep. John Katko (N.Y.) Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) Rep. Nancy Mace (S.C.) Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (Fla.) Rep. Fred Upton (Mich.) The bill prevents state and local governments from interfering with birth…

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Will Youtube Really Censor Videos on Abortion Misinformation?

YouTube will begin removing content that promotes or shows abortion “misinformation.” This move comes as a response to pressure from conservatives and pro-life groups. Many believe this is a form of censorship and will only lead to more stigma and shame around abortion. This is just another way the platform is trying to silence those opposing abortion. The war on abortion is heating up and Youtube is trying to silence those who disagree, but we won’t let it succeed! This move directly targets conservative beliefs on the topic. Moreover, it…

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Amazon to Buy Primary Healthcare Company for $3.9 Billion

Last year, Amazon took away its customer’s privacy with the “Amazon Sidewalk.” They used this technology to allow strangers to connect to customers’ networked devices… while risking their sensitive data.  After some time, they introduced the “Amazon Key.” It allows authorized shippers to open a customer’s home or apartment. This feature from Amazon only puts its customers at a higher risk for crime. Now, Amazon wants to buy a primary healthcare company to continue its misdeeds. The e-commerce company plans to pay $3.9 billion for One Medical. This move signals…

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Biden Tested Positive After Pledging to Stop Covid-19 Almost Two Years Ago

We remember Biden promising almost two years ago that America would be “Covid-free by the 4th of July.” This was one of the many pledges from the demo-rat that failed to ever be delivered. Ironically, Biden tested positive for Covid-19 this year in July. His diagnosis came shortly after he:  Told America that he would shut down the virus for good Pushed the dems’ vaccine and mask mandates Wasted federal funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines Risked the livelihoods of healthcare, airline, and Big Tech workers Attempted to…

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