Senate Democrats Officially Pass $430 Billion Spending Bill

Unfortunately, Senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema will support the Democrat’s spending bill. There’s a big chance that America will continue to rack up debt, and our children will be stuck with the bill. We need to elect more fiscal conservatives to office who will make spending cuts a priority. Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema agreed to support the Democratic spending bill. However, many Republicans are unhappy with the measure. They believe it is too costly and doesn’t do enough to reduce the deficit. This is a huge mistake that…

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Economists Disappointed With Biden’s Approach on Fixing Inflation

Why does Joe Biden continue to make inflation worse? He is wrecking our economy and our future. The demo-rat needs to be stopped. Our current POTUS is a menace to our country and he must be stopped! His policies have caused inflation to become worse than it already is. Most likely, it will only damage future generations. We can’t allow this any longer. Inflation rates continue to skyrocket under Biden’s leadership. US consumers are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of living. Many are forced to make tough…

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Trump to Run in the 2024 Elections?

There’s a possibility for President Donald Trump to run again in 2024 for the presidency. He might have been planning this from the start, and he’s not going to let anything stop him. He’s the best candidate for the job, and he knows it. We’ve seen him: Vocalize Biden’s incompetence as POTUS Achieve the greatest regulation cuts in history Make America energy independent during his term Create a blueprint to fix the borders crisis Get Anwar approved, which Ronald Reagan tried to do  Build the Space Force  Establish his own…

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Liberal Media Wants to Destroy Rep. Mayra Flores Before Midterm Elections

The liberal media is targeting Rep. Mayra Flores. This means she’s doing something right. Flores is a rising star in the Republican Party… and she’s not afraid to take on the liberal establishment. She’s a strong voice for conservative principles. Moreover, she’s becoming a leading voice in the fight against liberals’ attacks on our values. The twisted dems are doing this because they feel threatened by Flores in the upcoming elections in November. They want to find a way to silence her voice in the media. However, she would not…

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Hunter Biden Caught Violating Foreign Lobbying Law

Hunter Biden just can’t seem to stay out of trouble. The latest allegations against him are a long string of crimes that he’s been accused of. Whether it’s influence peddling, money laundering, or drug use… the POTUS’ son seems constantly entangled in some sort of criminal activity.  While Hunter Biden has not been formally charged with a crime, many believe he is guilty of criminal activity. Some think that he is using his influence to avoid being charged. In reality, he is a criminal who gets away with everything. We’ve…

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