DeSantis Rivals Trump on 2024 Elections: Battle for Republican Leadership

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is determined to run in the 2024 elections. He has set his sights on his potential rivals for the presidency. The drama unfolded at the Iowa State Fair. This place is where DeSantis strategically held a competing event to draw attention away from his competitors… The fair is known for its fried foods and lively atmosphere. It also became a political battleground as DeSantis flexed his influence and charisma. The patriot leader is also willing to go against former President Donald Trump.  DeSantis Targets 2024 Rivals…

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Biden and Harris to Run Again in 2024 Elections

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris officially announced their re-election campaign in 2024… The announcement surprised many… as it is rare for presidents to announce their re-election campaigns so early in their term.  Biden and Harris Officially Announce their 2024 Re-Election Campaign The Biden-Harris campaign is expected to focus on several key issues, including the: The administration has made significant progress in these areas and is expected to continue building on these achievements in the coming years… The campaign will also likely focus on issues such as: While…

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FBI’s Raid on Trump’s Home in Mar-a-Lago Only Strengthened Patriots’ Support

Donald Trump’s possible presidential run in 2024 is a threat to liberals. They are scared of what he might do if he is elected again. Trump is a competent president, and the dems fear getting exposed if he is given another four years in office. Although there’s no official announcement yet… Republicans are happy at the possibility of Trump becoming POTUS again.  However, the dems can’t stand the thought of him being in office again. That’s why they played dirty by raiding Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago… which surprisingly became favorable…

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Trump to Run in the 2024 Elections?

There’s a possibility for President Donald Trump to run again in 2024 for the presidency. He might have been planning this from the start, and he’s not going to let anything stop him. He’s the best candidate for the job, and he knows it. We’ve seen him: Vocalize Biden’s incompetence as POTUS Achieve the greatest regulation cuts in history Make America energy independent during his term Create a blueprint to fix the borders crisis Get Anwar approved, which Ronald Reagan tried to do  Build the Space Force  Establish his own…

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