Harris to Lead the Disinformation Governance Board

The dems created the Disinformation Governance Board after Elon Musk bought Twitter. They plan to combat online disinformation. Ironically, the liberals are saying that they’re tackling disinformation…. when they are the ones who are twisting the truth with their censorship and power plays. The dems created the Disinformation Governance Board for one selfish reason. This is because they were agitated with the Twitter buy-out. They lost a tool that they were using to manipulate the truth. However, the board was put on hold weeks after it was established. They were…

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Biden’s Ocean Shipping Bill Won’t Be Enough to Stop Inflation

This June, Biden signed an ocean shipping bill to reduce export backlogs.  The administration is failing to address the real issues facing our country… and is pushing through legislation that will cover for their mistakes. When in fact, the real causes of the inflation are: The administration’s unnecessary spending packages worth trillions of dollars Biden removing America’s energy independence The liberals leading us to food shortages Overspending on Covid mass testing and vaccines Just when you think Biden can’t get any more incompetent, he goes and proves us wrong again.…

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Pelosi’s Latest Gun Control Push Will Do More Harm Than Good

It’s been over three weeks since the horrific shooting incident in Uvalde, Texas. During the event, 19 students and 2 teachers died.  This tragedy is, unfortunately, the deadliest in Texas history. As Americans, we’re devastated by this senseless act of violence. We fully support the victims and their families during this difficult time.  However, the dems are using the recent shooting incident to restrict gun laws. They have been pushing for more strict firearm restrictions and they are using this event to push their political agenda What they’re doing is…

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Biden’s Incompetence Is Causing The US to Drift Apart From China

The US and China continue to drift apart. This is because the Biden administration isn’t improving the relationship between the two countries. The Trump administration was able to make progress… but the current administration has not been able to maintain that momentum. As the two countries clash, the risk of a significant conflict erupts. We’ve seen: The possibility of China preparing missiles for the US Navy in Guam Biden meddling  with China’s human rights issues How US and China considered separating their technological resources from one another The US has…

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Ukraine Needs More Weapons to Defend the East from Russia

It’s been months since Russia launched a full-scale offensive in Eastern Ukraine. Right now, the heat of the battle is happening in that part of the country. Russia has three main goals for the east: Establishing a corridor to Crimea Capturing all of the Donbas regions Destroying the Ukrainian Armed Forces Russia continues to be on the offensive. In comparison, Ukraine is doing its best to defend itself from further attacks. During the first week of June, Ukraine announced that they had reclaimed a portion of the city of Sievierodonetsk…

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