Biden’s Ocean Shipping Bill Won’t Be Enough to Stop Inflation

This June, Biden signed an ocean shipping bill to reduce export backlogs. 

The administration is failing to address the real issues facing our country… and is pushing through legislation that will cover for their mistakes. When in fact, the real causes of the inflation are:

Just when you think Biden can’t get any more incompetent, he goes and proves us wrong again. It’s truly astounding how little leadership he has shown since taking office. He just won’t admit that he’s a big part of the problem on why inflation keeps getting worse.

Biden Blames the Ocean Shipping Companies for Inflation

Last time, Biden blamed the meat industry. Now, the demo-rat insists that the ocean shipping cost causes a large percentage of the problem.

Biden officially signed legislation to improve oversight of ocean shipping. He expects the bill to help curb inflation and ease export backlogs. 

The demo-rat spoke in the White House to inform everyone about the new bill to cover his incompetence. He first mentioned that several factors made inflation worse. He said, “You wanna know why prices are so high? Well, there are a number of reasons. [It has something] to do with Putin’s war in Ukraine. [Then there’s the] disruption caused by the pandemic.”

Then, Biden started attacking the ocean shipping companies… because they earned so much profit during the pandemic. The demo-rat said,  “One of the [biggest] factors affecting prices is this. Nine major shipping companies consolidated into three alliances to control the vast majority of ocean shipping in the world. Each of these nine is foreign-owned.”

He added, “During the pandemic, these carriers increased their prices by 1,000%. While families and businesses struggle around the world. These carriers made $190 billion in profit in 2021. [It’s] seven times higher than the year before.”

Finally, Biden acted like he was really trying to stop inflation. He said, “I’ve often said tackling inflation is my number one priority. There’s no solace [because] inflation is right around the rest of the world. This bill is going to help bring down inflation. At least marginally for farmers and businesses all across America.”

Biden Never Takes Responsibility for His Mistakes

Everything that Biden said about fighting inflation was full of lies and hypocrisy. If Biden can only take responsibility for his actions… there’s a bigger chance for the administration to change the economy for the better. 

Despite signing the shipping bill, GOP Rep. Dusty Johnson says that Biden was not doing enough. He said on Fox, “If we really want to make a dent in inflation… we need a president who is going to work with Congress on three things.” 

He added, “Number one, stopping the trillion-dollar spending packages. Number two, getting Americans back to work. We have three million fewer full-time workers in this country than we did three years ago. Then finally, a president who does not discriminate against American energy.”

If Biden reverses all of his executive orders in his first week – or better, steps down as president – it could stop the current inflation trend. It might take a few months to get back to normal, but there’s a chance for the current trend to almost instantly reverse.

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