South Dakota, Iowa, and Georgia Governors Signed Bill Removing Firearm Permits

Gov. Kemp Keynote Address / Georgia National Guard / Flickr / May 21, 2020 / CC BY 2.0 The dems are always doing everything they can to strip us away from our freedom to protect ourselves with our firearms. But more importantly, the twisted administration wants to destroy the Republican culture… by removing guns as a part of our tradition and identity. Despite the liberals’ opposition, our patriot leaders are doing good so far in preserving our second amendment rights. We’ve seen: Republicans in Senate passed a gun bill approving…

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President Trump Endorses Dr. Oz for US Senate in Pennsylvania

The twisted dems continue their power play in the health industry, especially with their forceful vaccine and mask mandates. So far, we’ve seen: An NYC employee getting fired for questioning her mayor on toddler mask mandates Kamala Harris not wear a mask when she visited a school in D.C. despite imposing the mandates The administration wasting federal funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines Dr. Anthony Anthony Fauci’s involvement with the origins of the virus The liberals require vaccine mandates on children ages 5-11 and pregnant women Biden attempting…

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Russia Suspended from the UN, Then Attacks Eastern Ukraine

Russian tank T36 / Ruský tank T36 / Martin Hefner / Flickr / April 10, 2011 / CC BY 2.0 The war in Ukraine has continued for two months and a lot has happened. We’ve seen people losing their lives, fleeing from their homes, and feeling inflation. This April, the United Nations voted to kick Russia off the UN Human Rights Council because of their actions. Russia Suspended from the UN Human Rights Council These votes are designed to pressure Russian President Vladimir Putin… since he didn’t show any signs…

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Kevin McCarthy Says GOP Will Win the House in 2022

The Biden administration continues to cause suffering for the American people due to their incompetence. We’ve seen them: Spend trillions of dollars on their politically motivated programs Strangle us with their mask and vaccine mandates Weaken our cyber defense security Make the situation at the border worse than ever Work with Big Tech to censor conservative opinion Blame Putin, the meat industry, and the supply chain for their failures Many of our patriot leaders have expressed their disbelief to the administration… including President Trump. This April, more of our leaders…

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President Trump Reacts to Crises Under Biden’s Leadership

Donald Trump / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / October 29, 2016 / CC BY-SA 2.0 President Trump has proven himself worthy to lead America over and over again. Right now, we’re seeing how the Biden administration is failing every citizen. They never do anything right… and always point at someone else to blame for their mistakes. Unlike the demo-rats, Trump has shown what he’s capable of. We’ve seen him: Build the Space Force Achieve the greatest regulation cuts in history Make America energy independent during his term Get Anwar approved…

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