McConnell on Track to Become Longest-Serving Senate Party Leader

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is about to become the longest-serving Senate party leader in history. McConnell kept his position after winning during the midterm election. Will he be able to contribute well enough to make America great again, or are his old ways already outdated? McConnel Keeps His Position as Senate Minority McConnell won re-election as Senate GOP leader. He won against his challenger, Sen. Rick Scott. The Minority Leader won a vote that broke 37-10 and saw one senator abstain.  Scott announced his candidacy for Republican leader in…

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Pelosi Stepping Down is Good Riddance

Nancy Pelosi has been working as a Democrat leader for two decades. This November, she officially said that she would step down from her role. The demo-rat’s announcement came after the Republicans won the House. Pelosi Steps Down as Democratic House Leader Pelosi plans to remain in Congress. Right now, she’s aiming to take on a mentorship role for whichever new leader fills her mantle. She wants to clear the way for a younger generation of lawmakers to climb into leadership ranks. For obvious reasons, the left is building up…

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Republicans Expected to Win the House?

The dems are expected to maintain their control in the Senate. On the other hand, the Republican party is confident that they will win the House. According to the Associated Press, the GOP leads with 220-213 seats in the House against the dems. If they are successful, it will be a significant victory for the party and its conservative agenda. They swept the House with lightning speed, leaving liberals in their wake. It was a decisive blow for the conservative movement and will be felt for years to come. Our…

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Republican Leaders Determined to Stop Biden’s Tax Plan with IRS

More taxes? That’s madness! Joe Biden and his dem buddies want to give the IRS more power.  We’ve got to stop them! Republican leaders are working hard to put a stop to this foolishness. Patriot Leaders Want to Defund Biden’s $80 Billion Project with IRS Rep. Adrian Smith and Rep. Michelle Steel are determined to defund Biden’s $80 billion IRS undertaking. They believe that getting Americans on a path to prosperity means having the government work for the people… not against them. The two conservatives are working together to defund…

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Liberals Winning Several Key States on Midterm Elections

As of now, the Democrats have the upper hand in the midterm elections. Most of our Republicans feel frustrated because of what’s happening.  The dems won several states in the midterm elections, gaining more momentum. Let’s hope that our patriots can still turn around the situation. Dems Won Full Control in These States Democrats have taken complete control of state capitols in:  Michigan Minnesota Maryland Massachusetts Moreover, this is the first time in 40 years that the dems wield the full power of the Michigan government. “By all accounts, this…

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