Pelosi Stepping Down is Good Riddance

Nancy Pelosi has been working as a Democrat leader for two decades. This November, she officially said that she would step down from her role.

The demo-rat’s announcement came after the Republicans won the House.

Pelosi Steps Down as Democratic House Leader

Pelosi plans to remain in Congress. Right now, she’s aiming to take on a mentorship role for whichever new leader fills her mantle.

She wants to clear the way for a younger generation of lawmakers to climb into leadership ranks. For obvious reasons, the left is building up her credibility as a mentor… 

Liberal Rep. Debbie Dingell,  a close Pelosi ally, shared her thoughts on the demo-rat’s decision. She said, “She’s a tough, effective, focused, disciplined woman. I wasn’t always on the same side as her — and it’s not pleasant being on the other side of her… but she knew how to bring a disparate group of people together to get the job done.” 

She added, “For women, the doors have been opened wider for all of us because of what she did.”

Conservatives Happy With Pelosi Stepping Down

On the other hand, the Republicans are delighted with Pelosi’s announcement.

Her decision was met with celebration by conservatives on Twitter. Especially those who see her as an example of everything wrong with politics. They believe that Pelosi enriched herself at the expense of:

  • Taxpayers
  • The weaponization of power to target opponents
  • Lack of bipartisanship during her tenure

Rep. Lauren Boebert sees Pelosi’s announcement as good riddance. He wrote, “The Pelosi era is over. Good riddance!”

Moreover, J. Bradford Williams, a conservative commentator, exposed Pelosi’s ways. He pointed out that throughout Pelosi’s time in the House… she has only made more money.

He said, “Nancy Pelosi has spent 35 years amassing a $200 million fortune at the expense of the people. She is everything that is wrong with ‘public service’ in America.”

Tim Young, a conservative author, and comedian wrote after Pelosi’s announcement. He stated, “Nancy Pelosi not being speaker anymore makes the 2022 election cycle a huge win for Republicans.” 

Pelosi was the most divisive House Speaker of modern times. As a result, she leaves the institution a far worse place than when she arrived.

Unfortunately, she’ll be in power behind the scenes. The demo-rat would still intimidate, manipulate, and blackmail people as usual.

Pelosi Ignores President Trump in Farewell Speech– While Acknowledging Bush, Obama, and Biden

In a farewell speech to Congress, Pelosi expressed how honored she felt to have served alongside Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. However, she didn’t mention Trump at all.

Biden released a statement praising Pelosi soon after her speech, calling her “the most consequential Speaker of the House of Representatives in our history.”

Pelosi lost dignity when she tore up the State of the Union speech. That insulted President Trump, the House of Representatives, and the American people. 

She was very undignified for a Speaker of the House. Pelosi lowered the bar for conducting the House’s business.

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One Thought to “Pelosi Stepping Down is Good Riddance”

  1. […] Nancy Pelosi recently spoke about her plans for her role after her time as speaker of the House ends. Last November, she officially said that she would step down from her role. […]

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