Independents and Latinos Unite for Republicans

More and more Republicans are finding success with Independent and Latino voters for the upcoming midterm elections. What is the reason for this surge in support from these groups? Could it be that Republican values resonate with a broader group of people? Whatever the reason, it’s clear that the Republican party is gaining momentum. This is a pivotal moment for the party… and they are poised to make significant gains in the upcoming elections. GOP Candidates Leading Among Independent Voters According to a poll in the crucial battleground state, Republicans…

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DeSantis Followed Through on Promise to Send Migrants to Liberal States

Gov. Ron DeSantis followed through on his promise to drop off migrants in progressive states. DeSantis is a smart politician and a man of his word. This act was also a way to trigger the dems, who have been ignoring the immigration problem. DeSantis Flew Illegal Migrants to Martha’s Vineyard The patriot leader recently sent two planes full of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Martha’s Vineyard is a playground of rich progressives. One includes Barack Obama, who bought a multimillion-dollar house there in 2019. Taryn Fenske of Fox confirmed the situation…

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White House Hints Annual Covid-19 Boosters

The dems are still clinging to power with their Covid-19 boosters. They just can’t let go, even though our patriots have spoken. Republicans are committed to getting our country back on track… and we won’t let the dems derail us with their destructive policies. We will continue to fight for what’s right for the American people. White House Hints America Will Have Annual Covid-19 Boosters Recently, the Biden administration’s health officials participated in a press briefing about the Covid-19 virus. Dr. Anthony Fauci suggested that annual Covid-19 boosters might be…

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Harris Blames Republican Leaders for the Situation on the Border

Kamala Harris continues to disappoint America with her incompetence and hypocrisy…  The demo-rat recently opened how badly she wants to shut down the Senate filibuster… to implement their politically motivated agendas. Moreover, Harris also blamed the GOP for the situation on the border. Harris Wants to Remove the Filibuster Harris said that she couldn’t wait to shut down the Senate filibuster. This is the same filibuster that our patriots protected last time. She wants to advance measures that manipulate voting rights and promote abortion in the country. The demo-rat said,…

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The FBI Intimidates High-Profile Conservatives

The FBI is doing its power play against conservatives. This is so obvious with the recent investigations and arrests of high-profile conservatives.  It’s a disgrace how our justice system is being used as a tool to target and silence those who hold different political beliefs. Conservative CEO of MyPillow Seized by FBI CEO of MyPillow Mike Lindell had an exclusive interview on Newsmax. He talked about the high-pressure intimidation tactics of the FBI. Lindell was approached by the FBI and said that they would be asking him some questions. The…

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