Harris Blames Republican Leaders for the Situation on the Border

Kamala Harris continues to disappoint America with her incompetence and hypocrisy… 

The demo-rat recently opened how badly she wants to shut down the Senate filibuster… to implement their politically motivated agendas. Moreover, Harris also blamed the GOP for the situation on the border.

Harris Wants to Remove the Filibuster

Harris said that she couldn’t wait to shut down the Senate filibuster. This is the same filibuster that our patriots protected last time. She wants to advance measures that manipulate voting rights and promote abortion in the country.

The demo-rat said, “With just two more seats in the Senate, we can codify Roe v. Wade, we can put the protections of Roe in law. With two more seats in the United States Senate, we can pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Two more seats.”

She added, “You know, President Joe Biden has been clear. He’s kind of done with those archaic Senate rules standing in the way of those two issues.” 

Harris also made some biased comments about the Senate filibuster. She said, “He’s made that clear and said he would not allow that to obstruct those two issues. And, you know, as vice president, I’m also president of the Senate.… I cannot wait to cast the deciding vote to break the filibuster on voting rights and reproductive rights. I cannot wait! Fifty-nine days.”

The whole point of the things Harris wants to pass is to perpetuate Democratic rule.

If the dems can get their voting rights bills passed… there will never be another honest election in this country, and Republicans will never have another majority. Moreover, the liberals would make abortion legal nationwide if they were to eliminate the filibuster.

Harris Blames GOP for Border Crisis

Harris also tried blaming the GOP for the situation at the border. She emphasized that our Republican leaders are making life worse for women and asylum seekers.

The demo-rat slammed the Republican governors’ actions in an interview. She said, “They’re playing games. These are political stunts with real human beings who are fleeing harm. Do you know what’s happening in Venezuela right now?”

She added, “[These migrants] came to the United States of America seeking refuge – asylum. I think it is the height of irresponsibility – much less – frankly, dereliction of duty when you are an elected leader to play those kinds of games with human life.” 

Harris concluded that the Trump Administration was to blame. She said, “Under the previous administration, they decimated a system designed to address immigration.”

This triggered Rep. Henry Cuellar to dismiss Harris’ hypocrisy at the border. The patriot leader said, “We get thousands of people along the border, from 6,000 to 8,000 people a day. They’re releasing people, and we can send you pictures and videos of what’s happened in Del Rio, the valley, El Paso, and other places. People are coming in.”

Cuellar followed up by offering devastating numbers. He added, “We have 1.7 million people that were encountered last year. We’re going to have 2 or maybe 2.2 [million] by the end of this fiscal year in about two more weeks. That’s almost 4 million people. That doesn’t even include the getaways. Getaways are the people that border patrol has a good idea that evaded them. So you’re talking about almost 4 plus, maybe 4.4 million individuals in two years.”

Harris’ hypocrisy and incompetence are just terrible. There is nothing beneath her…

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One Thought to “Harris Blames Republican Leaders for the Situation on the Border”

  1. John Decker

    Kamala Harris is low IQ, in other words, stupid, and proves it every time she opens her mouth. Let’s impeach her right along with SloJoe!

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