China Warns US Not to Meddle With Their Affairs in Taiwan

China warned the US to stop using “salami tactics” that constantly challenge its “red line” on Taiwan. This followed a phone call between US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi.

Why didn’t we have this problem with China when President Trump was in office? It all started when Biden took office; funny, isn’t it?

China Warns US Not to Cross Red Line on Taiwan

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned the US not to pursue dialogue and cooperation while “stabbing China in the back.” 

According to the Foreign Ministry, there are three things that the US should do. They must:

  • Take China’s legitimate concerns seriously
  • Stop containing and suppressing China’s development
  • Stop using salami tactics to challenge China’s red line constantly

Moreover, Chinese President Xi Jin Ping told Biden during their meeting in November that: 

  • The Taiwan question was the “very core of China’s core interests” 
  • The “first red line” is not to be crossed

Days after this warning, China sent 71 planes and seven ships toward Taiwan in a 24-hour display of force. The US is advised to continue to follow China’s policy…

White House Meddles With War Between China and Taiwan

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan believes a war between China and the US over Taiwan can be avoided… despite high tensions. 

Sullivan noted that preventing war with China will be “hard work.” It will also take “coordination with allies.” He said, “There is a risk of conflict concerning Taiwan. I believe that with responsible stewardship, we can ensure that this contingency never comes to pass. And that is our responsibility.”

Then he added, “It will require us to follow through on the commitments of the Taiwan Relations Act… which for 40 years has said we would provide defensive articles to Taiwan. Additionally, it will require direct diplomacy with the [People’s Republic of China]. We have to prioritize this to ensure there is no war over the Taiwan Strait.”

Relations peaked in August 2022 after Nancy Pelosi visited the island to show solidarity with Taipei. It prompts Beijing’s warnings of “very serious developments and consequences.”

The US Navy has continued its routine drills under international law in what it calls ‘freedom of navigation operations… which have been met with accusations from China that they are violating Chinese sovereignty.

Recently, dozens of Chinese military aircraft and four ships were detected near Taiwan amid increased tensions. At least 28 of the aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait. This place is an unofficial buffer zone that separates China from Taiwan.

The People’s Liberation Army conducted “joint combat readiness patrols” to counter any provocative actions by external forces… or those seeking independence for Taiwan. 

Taiwanese defense ministry activated its aircraft and missile systems. It was not the first time this month that the Chinese military flew into air space near the island. 

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