China’s Hypersonic Missile Alarms the World

At the China Aviation Museums / Sam / Olai Ose / Skjaervoy / Flickr / September 28, 2008 / CC BY-SA 2.0

A few months ago, we saw how China built missile silos in its Western desert. Now they’re taking their nuclear expansion to the next level with hypersonic missiles…

According to a report from Britain’s Financial Times newspaper… China managed to launch a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile. They launched it into space… and it circled the Earth before cruising towards its target. No missile has ever done that before.

China has its hands on the world’s strongest missiles today:

  • They can travel five times faster than the speed of sound
  • They can fly lower than conventional missiles
  • They can be maneuvered in the air, which makes them very difficult to trace

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin believes that China’s nuclear expansion with hypersonic missiles will lead to regional tension. 

He said, “The pursuit of those capabilities increases tensions in the region. We have concerns about the military capabilities that the PRC continues to pursue.”

Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley thinks that what China is doing is “very concerning.”

He said, “What we saw was a very significant event of a test of a hypersonic weapon system… and it is very concerning. It was a very significant technological event that occurred. It has all of our attention.” 

Even our patriot leaders expressed their concerns about China’s move…

Texas Congressman Mike McCaul shared his thoughts on China’s swift actions to further expand its nuclear powers during an interview in Newsmax.

He said, “[China] is showing [their] strength [while] our country is showing a lot of weakness… particularly after Afghanistan. These hypersonic missiles are frightening.”

Then he mentioned that the whole country’s safety might be at risk. McCaul added, “It is a real threat to our national security. The reason why is because they fly five times the speed of sound. They can run kind of circuitous paths with it.” 

McCaul even admitted that America won’t be able to defend itself from these hypersonic missiles. He said, “We don’t have a defense system that can defend the United States from these types of weapons. That’s the biggest danger… and they’re getting ahead of the game.“

“I think what’s also disturbing is a lot of its technology actually came from the United States. They either stole or had US companies sell them the technology they used to build these hypersonic missiles,” McCaul added.

Former Trump Deputy National Security Adviser KT McFarland also shared her thoughts. She believes that this is just the start of China becoming the world’s most powerful country.

She said, “It’s China’s goal, and they’re very open about the goal. Within a decade they will replace the United States as the dominant world power and want to do it militarily, economically, technologically, politically. This is their move to make their political stance and their military superiority.”

Bottom line, China is close to being able to launch a nuclear warhead against any other nation without any warning… and there would be no defense against it. 

Even our country’s leaders find this threatening for the whole of America…

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