Former Pentagon Official: US Infrastructure’s Cyber Defense at ‘Kindergarten’ Level

The war between Russia and Ukraine continues. Unfortunately, America seems to be too weak to do anything relevant… especially with the administration we have today.  Biden’s lack of leadership made our country weak during this crisis. We’re unable to help Ukraine when it needs us the most. But more importantly, we aren’t even sure if America can defend itself if something goes wrong… Former Pentagon official Nicolas Chaillan admitted that America doesn’t stand a chance if Russia and China combine forces. He shared his thoughts during an interview on Fox.…

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Abortion in Texas Dropped Nearly 60%

41st MARCH FOR LIFE RALLY in front of the US Supreme Court on 1st Street between Maryland Avenue and East Capitol Street, NE, Washington DC on Thursday afternoon, 22 January 2015 / Elvert Barnes / Flickr / January 22, 2015 / CC BY-SA 2.0 Last year, our patriot leaders fought for the Texas Abortion Law. It bans any form of pregnancy termination after 6 weeks of gestation. The law also grants permission to citizens to sue anyone who helps a woman get an abortion after this termination date. Texas Governor…

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Fauci Hopes FDA Will Authorize Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine for Kids Under 5

The twisted liberals continue to trample on our human rights.  With the pandemic endless cycle of new variants and quarantine, they keep using their forceful vaccine and booster mandates to stay in control. Last year, they required several universities to get college students vaccinated, or else they couldn’t return to campus.  Then they started vaccinating children ages 5-11. These liberals are using the situation as an opportunity to increase the scope of their experiment. Now the FDA wants to authorize the Pfizer vaccine to be approved for children under the…

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Biden Wasted Billions for Mass Covid Testing

20210301_133704 / Daniel / Flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0 / We’ve been doubting the Biden administration’s capabilities of handling the Omicron variant. It turns out that they weren’t as competent as we thought. Biden directed health officials to get an additional 500 million Covid tests distributed for free amid the Omicron surge. Once again, the demo-rat is wasting our taxpayers’ money just to be in control – a little too late. He first emphasized the need for more testing. He said during a press conference, “One of the other things…

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Big Pharma Use Omicron as Excuse to Force Another Dose

The Biden Administration has trampled on our human rights time and time again with their vaccine mandates. Even the US Senate was triggered to pass a bill to stop Biden’s vaccine mandates last December.  We’ve seen how the liberals: Attempted to steal the VA benefits of unvaccinated veterans Threatened the employability of healthcare, airline, and Big Tech workers Imposed mandates on children ages 5-11 Required college universities to issue booster mandates on students Forced pregnant women to take the vaccine Made it difficult to go to public places like restaurants,…

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