Clinton Foundation: Responsible for destroying Haiti

No matter the truth, liberals love to pretend they’re helping out…

Even when their passion projects just cause chaos.

Here’s the horrific story of how the Clinton Foundation tore Haiti apart… while the liberal media cheered them on.

For a long time, Bill and Hilary Clinton hid behind a facade of goodwill while they were neck deep in the destruction of Haiti’s economy. 

The Clinton Foundation exploited the country as a testing ground for their ideals, all under the guise of redeveloping Haiti for Haiti’s sake, and it’s shown just how sick the Clintons really are. 

With millions left starving, homeless – and worse, because of the Clintons’ scheming, Haiti proves that the Clinton administration cares about lining the pockets of their wealthy business partners, and not about actually helping anyone. 

The Haiti project started by the Clintons was not created to be a natural disaster relief system as the media was led to believe, but was all about the money. 

They treated the county as a business orientated model, appealing to foreign corporations as an investment opportunity. This would in turn only serve to benefit the Clintons and their billionaire friends, and leave the people of Haiti struggling.  

The Foundation came in when an earthquake that tore up the country meant that the Haitians were in desperate need of food and shelter… However, helping out was never part of the Clinton Foundation’s plan. The guise of giving relief was nothing short of an illusionary veil meant to deceive the public.  

There was a sharp disconnect between the realities of what Haiti needed and what the Clintons claimed they were providing for them. 

Their plans not only devastated ordinary Haitians while funnelling millions to the rich, but exposed the Clintons’ foolish business practices. 

Their plan for the country was never about helping the Haitians, but was always a way to enrich their allies , while displaying a sense of righteousness to the general public.  

Instead of rebuilding houses, water supplies or anything essential, the Foundation focused on big business, depriving the citizens of the immediate care they needed to survive while sapping the tiny Haitian budget even further… 

Not only were the Clintons spearheading projects that had a negative impact on the rebuilding efforts of the country, but their own involvement in the construction and funding of relief projects like emergency storm shelters in Léogâne proved to be a total, critical failure. 

Considering Haiti is a country that both Bill and Hilary Clinton have claimed to have a deep connection with (and who knows why), their efforts towards rebuilding shows how little they care about human lives.

Investigations of the so-called shelters constructed by the Clinton fFoundation proved to be unlivable; conditions were deemed dangerous to live in and full of toxic molds… while Foundation employees took home vast paychecks. 

The fact that the Clinton Foundation spent so much time and money on their absurd business plans, while sidelining the actual Haitian government, helped destroy Haiti… spreading diseases like Cholera across the island… ruining countless lives… enriching their wealthy friends… while the media called them heroes for doing it. 

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12 Thoughts to “Clinton Foundation: Responsible for destroying Haiti”

  1. Joan Workman

    This story about the Clinton’s are only the tip of a very big ice berg that the corrupt , greedy, power-driven, murders, liars, and fraud/treason Clinton Foundations. The Clintons do nothing for anyone that doesn’t fatten their wallets in the end.

  2. rick

    Hey Bill-ious & Hillari-ous- What happened to all the billions?

  3. Neil Buesch

    Statement above is very true quoted by the Haiti Government, that’s how they paid for their daughter’s wedding. The Clinton’s are PARASITES .

  4. Eli 7777

    It is disappointing that people don’t know the truth. This should have been exposed in a big way on Facebook & Twitter.

  5. Dolores Herrmann

    Clinton awarded a $$$ contract (tax payers money) to a donor of theirs to build homes for the people. They built 1/10th of the homes that were contracted for and then left – keeping the balance of the money.

  6. Scott

    I knew the Clintons and their cohorts are evil people. The general public especially Democrats will think this report is just lies. Can you poduce more photo evidence of the wrong doings? Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Nice report.

  7. Michelle kehl

    If any body bothered to watch the documentary Clinton Cash you would have known what was going on.

  8. Libra

    Where is the documentary day by day press expose’ of the treasonous money grubbing Clintonista’s?. How is it Trump gets all of the of the adverse attention and the Press permits the liberal Marxists to continue their screwing over of the Public? Where is the investigation? The Clinton’s actually robbed the Haitians of the millions collected to rebuild their Island Nation. I do know the Haitians picketed outside of Bill’s New York Office but Billy has no shame only GREED

  9. libra

    I knew about it because I am an avid reader. I believe that Social Media Big Tech would never ever permit any adverse expose’s about the Clintonistas be put out for public consumption.. I wonder what George H.W. bush who partnered with Billy to collect funds to rebuild Haiti. They have no shame and never any repercussions for spending almost 100% of Foundation monies on salaries for Family and Friends .Oh well the Biden’s used the death of Son Beaux from brain cancer to set up a foundation.. When investigated , we learned not a cent went to research of Brain cancer but ALL of the donated funds went for salaries. Is there something genetic that this behavior is so common in the Democratic Party members of Great Power and unearned Wealth?

  10. Donna Kujawa

    Everybody knows the Clintons are not ethical.

  11. Concerned

    Why can’t a honest report go and see exactly what the Clinton’s have done. This should be all over the media, reason! Because they probably got lots of money from the Clinton’s. They are crooks and should be tried and convicted. Stripped of everything

  12. Wyatt Earp

    We will never hear the truth about the Clinton til they are both dead! We know it was Hillary Clinton who had 54 people murder or killed in mysterious way. I will always believe it was an FBI AGENCT. Because who else know how to cover up their crime.

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