Collapse? Why Survival Skills Matter

Why would you ever think knowing how to survive in an extreme situation is a bad idea? 


There’s only one real reason. You don’t expect to ever be in real danger.


If you think you’re always going to be safe, you’re wrong. Danger will ALWAYS exist, and no one’s going to help you when things go wrong.


You need to know how to fight back when everything breaks.


Ever hear what happened to the Roman Empire? They got comfortable. They thought that nothing bad could ever happen to them, and ignored the fact that their society was collapsing. 


And even as everything fell apart, the average Roman kept convincing himself that everything was going to go back to normal. 


That’s the average person we’re talking about. Others knew what they had to do. They knew how to survive, and they kept on thriving.


We’ve convinced ourselves that our comfortable world means that nothing’s ever going to go wrong.


More and more, people are waking up to the fact that this just isn’t true. They’ve seen how quickly things collapsed in states like Libya (thanks, Obama!), Syria, Ukraine.


They’re starting to stock up, learning the survival they need to make a change, and starting to understand exactly how important it is to have a plan for the worst case scenario.


Are you going to be one of them, or are you going to be left behind? 


When you’re faced with that question, there’s only one real answer – you want to be a survivor. 


Survival skills are now more vital than ever – don’t let them fool you into thinking you’re paranoid. 


You need to know how to start a fire, how to get fresh, clean water, how to raise your own crops, and how to keep yourself safe. 


That’s a minimum. 


There’s a reason everyone in the US used to know those skills – they went through real, sudden hardship where they had to learn or die. WW2, Korea, Vietnam, the list goes on – and there’s every reason to expect another addition.

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