DOJ Files Lawsuit Blocking Texas Anti-Abortion Law

The Biden administration has declared war against Texas after suing the state for their recent state law that bans most abortions. The law in question has been called out as “an open defiance of the constitution”. 

The Texas law, known as S.B. 8 (The Texas Heartbeat Act), prohibits abortions once medical professionals can detect cardiac activity – which usually occurs around 6 weeks before a woman might know she’s pregnant.  

Up until now, courts in other states have blocked similar restrictions, but Texas law leaves the enforcement to private citizens through civil lawsuits instead of through criminal prosecutors.

There’s been severe pressure on the Justice Department to act, especially from the White House where Biden has said that the law is “almost un-American”.  Several dems in congress are also urging the DOJ to take action. 

They are calling on Attorney General Merrick Garland to take action, who has since vowed to enforce the FACE Act (known as the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act). This act normally prohibits physically obstructing access to abortion clinics by blocking entrances or threatening the use of force to both intimidate or interfere with someone’s access. 

In addition, it also prohibits people from damaging property at abortion clinics and other reproductive health centers. 

Since the uproar from the left in the media has grown, TX Gov. Greg Abbott’s press secretary Renae Eza has responded to the lawsuit, accusing the Biden administration of trying to deflect from its widely criticized Afghanistan Withdrawal.

“The most precious freedom is life itself,” Eze said in her statement. “Texas passed a law that ensures that the life of every child with a heartbeat will be spared from the ravages of abortion.  Unfortunately, President Biden and his Administration are more interested in changing the national narrative from their disastrous Afghanistan evacuation and reckless open border policies instead of protecting the innocent unborn. We are confident that the courts will uphold and protect that right to life.”

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has also responded to the DOJ’s lawsuit, saying that the administration should be focusing instead on other ongoing crises.

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5 Thoughts to “DOJ Files Lawsuit Blocking Texas Anti-Abortion Law”

  1. Lisa

    Maybe Biden’s disgusting administration should be worrying about the Americans they left in Afghanistan not people who can’t be bothered to use birth control.

  2. Wyatt Earp

    What give this dumb former AD general the idea he can over rule the state? Any fool out of California are dumb as a mule! Garland need to resign! He evil for this country

  3. GLK

    I believe that we have an administration that supports murdering children, & babies in the womb. Those supporting abortion have no conscience or respect for LIFE. Where is their compassion????? Missing!

  4. Mike Mclaughlin

    He is just one more piece of shit in the United States government

  5. Anthony

    I agree with all the comments above. God will soon be involved. Good people keep your faith

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