Don’t Give Your Privacy Away!

It’s no surprise that real Conservatives hate Big Tech. We want these companies to demonstrate better judgment and stop demonizing conservative thought…

We’ve had enough of the leftist media’s biased standards for whose Youtube channel gets demonetized, whose social media account gets deactivated, whose business pages are prioritized on Google, and whose books are sold on Amazon.

Big Tech and mainstream media conspire to give special treatment to Democratic opinions online, claiming they’re the only “correct” opinion. 

On the other hand, they are silencing the opinion of our Republican patriots…

Conservative news, Youtube channels, and social media posts are being manipulated. Platforms are “censoring” conservative media, and calling it “fake news.”

In the past year, Twitter also slapped false labels on President Trump’s tweets… dubbing them as inaccurate. He responded like a proud American by accusing Twitter of silencing conservative speech.

The conservative voice is slowly being recognized. The News Media Alliance is a trade group that represents 2000 news organizations. They commissioned a survey by Echelon Insights to determine what conservatives really think about Big Tech companies: 

  • Most republicans are very concerned about the economic and political power of Big Tech in the US.
  • 79% of Republicans agree with the statement “Big Tech companies should fairly compensate local and conservative news publications for their content.”
  • 76% agree that local and small news organizations should have more negotiating power. It should at least be the same as national news organizations.
  • 73% agree that both local and small news organizations should be allowed to band together… to get a better deal from Big Tech.

It’s about time the conservative voice was given a chance to be heard in the media, and there are changes being implemented to make that happen.

An alliance was introduced this June when Republicans and Democrats came together to crack down on Big Tech companies. 

They will be co-sponsoring a series of five bills, with the goal to compete in the digital market by keeping bigger companies from buying out smaller businesses and outlawing certain discriminatory practices.

House Republicans are also scrutinizing Big Tech’s relationships with China. They are notoriously untrustworthy, especially when it comes to their access to Americans’ personal information. The Senate recently passed a $250 billion bill that aims to strengthen U.S. technology… to counter this attack from China.

Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the top Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee, outlined several areas where oversight and policy solutions are necessary to make Big Tech and China more accountable.

Among some of them is controlling the flow of what data is sent to Chinese companies.

What the US government should be doing is restricting China’s access to our technology and focusing on internal affairs, but clearly, that is easier said than done. 

President Trump was on the right path last year when he decided to ban TikTok and WeChat in the US. This was to weaken the Chinese Communist Party’s access to American’s personal and proprietary information. He also knew that apps like WeChat could be used for disinformation campaigns.

However, on June 9, 2021, Joe Biden signed an executive order revoking the ban on TikTok and WeChat. 

This means China is once again free to do whatever they want with Big Tech and our media.

Now, we can see conservative speech being banned AGAIN on different platforms…

Big Tech companies should stop with their biased judgment of conservatives. Instead of letting Chinese tech companies trample on our privacy, why not work on what’s happening in our own media channels first? 

Conservatives just want Big Tech companies to have a fair standard of judgment, how hard can that be?

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5 Thoughts to “Don’t Give Your Privacy Away!”

  1. Danny Decker

    It is sickening . THE LEFT OR A FEW ARE HELPING WITH THE BORDER CRISIS TRUST ME TRUE AMERICANS ARE SICK OF WHAT IS GOING ON . Pray God will straighten them out at their end of their time when they die of natural causes. Could be like COVID 19 . If Alligators were to come to the river the illegals cross / Paranoia fish were endA up in the River were Illegals cross THAT WOULD REALLY SLOW THEM DOWN some .👍👍I want the Ilegal come to America , but do like our for fathers it is better for them I deal so bad for the children who are being sexually abused . The VP/ Biden seem to not really care .

  2. randall williams

    Keep hearing we need to stop this, stop that or we’re going to loose this or that. How? Vote? We’re loosing our freedoms now. What can we do now? Not two yrs from now.

  3. Alice

    Nancy Pelosi must be impeached
    She is destroying our America.

  4. Victress Jenkins

    Parents, you need to protect your children.

  5. Wyatt Earp

    Biden is so dumb. Tge man has no interest of following the constitution laws. If anybody seen Obama or Susan Rice in DC . You can believe they are in his ear! He doesn’t wear a hearing aid. He got an earpiece telling him what to say and do.

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