Economists Disappointed With Biden’s Approach on Fixing Inflation

Why does Joe Biden continue to make inflation worse? He is wrecking our economy and our future. The demo-rat needs to be stopped.

Our current POTUS is a menace to our country and he must be stopped! His policies have caused inflation to become worse than it already is. Most likely, it will only damage future generations. We can’t allow this any longer.

Inflation rates continue to skyrocket under Biden’s leadership. US consumers are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of living. Many are forced to make tough choices about spending their money. Biden’s economic policies are not working. Under the demo-rat’s leadership, the economy is not just struggling… it’s even failing.

Biden continues to be a danger to the economy. His policies have created inflation. Moreover, he made it difficult for citizens… especially those trying to make ends meet. The US needs new leadership that will work towards prosperity instead of demise!

Biden Proven Incapable of Fixing Inflation He Helped Create

Biden declared that his administration’s priority was “getting price increases under control.” He also endorsed the Inflation Reduction Act, a bill aiming to increase tax revenue by $739 billion.

The demo-rat said, “This is the action the American people have been waiting for. This addresses the problems of today which are high health care costs and inflation…  as well as investments in our energy security for the future.”

EJ Antoni, an economist, believes that Biden has done too much damage to the economy. Moreover, he’s proven himself incapable of fixing the issue.

He said on Fox, “It’s pretty telling when you look at what prices were doing year over year… and you compare that to what they’re doing now at a monthly rate. Prices increase faster in a month than in a year.”

Then he reminded everyone about Biden’s trillion-dollar spending plans. Specifically, those that contributed more to inflation. Antoni said, “So, what happened in the meantime? Well, a massive amount of government spending. You get the American Rescue Plan, and inflation just explodes.”

Antoni added, “It caused direct spending into the economy. It handed out more money that wasn’t needed. The result was it increase the amount of money… without increasing the number of goods and services.”

No Dem President Has Been Reelected After a Recession

There are speculations that Biden plans to run in the 2024 presidential elections. However, no Democrat has been re-elected after a recession since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

America has seen that Biden is not the leader that America needs right now. His approval rating is currently the lowest for any president.

Moreover, people continue to worry about inflation before the Midterms. In the Rasmussen survey:

  • 91% of respondents were ”concerned” about inflation
  • 69% of that subgroup were ”very concerned” about inflation

Right now, the liberals control the House, the Senate, and the White House. But there’s a possibility for things to change this November. In order to maintain control of the House and Senate… the Republicans need a net positive of five seats in the midterm elections.

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