EU Union & 40 Countries Call on Russia to Surrender Ukraine Nuclear Plant

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine revolves around Zaporizhzhia… where the biggest nuclear plant in Europe is located.

Ukrainian authorities believe that Russia is weaponizing the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. They say Russia has turned it into a de facto military base.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director-General Rafael Grossi thinks the nuclear plant has gotten “completely out of control” since Russia seized the facility in March. 

The director emphasized that whoever uses the nuclear plant should respect its limitations. He said, “Every principle of nuclear safety has been violated [in Zaporizhzhia]. You have a catalog of things that should never happen in any nuclear facility.”

Grossi’s team has attempted to communicate with the groups operating the Zaporizhzhia facility. However, it has been difficult for IAEA to visit or reach out to the nuclear plant because of the shelling.

14 Civilians Killed Near Nuclear Plant

As of now, Russia is in control of the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe. According to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, they’re also using the plant as a shield. He said, “Russia is using this plant as the equivalent of a human shield, but a nuclear shield.”

Blinken also believes that Russia has the upper hand in the situation. He added, “[Russia is] firing on Ukrainians from around the plant. [Meanwhile] the Ukrainians cannot and will not fire back. [If they do,] there will be a terrible accident involving a nuclear plant.”

Recently, Ukraine accused Russia of launching rocket strikes that killed 14 civilians. Most of the casualties were in the town of Marganets.

Dnipropetrovsk Governor Valentin Reznichenko expressed his grief on Telegram. He said, “It was a terrible night. I am asking and begging you… Don’t let the Russians kill you.”

Russia to Destroy Nuclear Plant If Ukraine Retakes

Despite the casualties, Russian forces vowed to destroy Europe’s biggest nuclear plant…  if Ukrainian forces threatened to retake the facility.

The Russian Armed forces wrote, “This station will be Russian, or it will be a burned-out desert. As you know, we have mined all important objects at the station. We warned them. The enemy knows the station will be Russian or no one’s.”

EU Union & 40 Countries Call on Russia to Back Off Nuclear Plant

President Volodymyr Zelensky warned that Ukraine would focus on Russian soldiers who:

  • Shoot at Europe’s largest nuclear power station
  • Use it as a base to shoot from

Zelensky announced they would become a “special target” for Ukrainian forces. The Ukrainian president said, “Every Russian soldier who shoots at the plant, or shoots using the plant as cover…  becomes a special target for our army.”

Moreover, European Union and 40 more countries are calling on Russia to demilitarize Zaporizhzhia.

“We urge the Russian Federation to immediately withdraw its military forces from the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. Ukrainian authorities [should] resume their sovereign responsibilities within Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders.”

Russia responded that it would allow IAEA to visit Zaporizhzhia amid its shelling.

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