House Republicans Warn Biden of Nuclear Deal with Iran

Joe Biden / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / August 21, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0

Biden has proven more than enough that he isn’t the leader America deserves…

We can be sure that Biden creates a crisis everytime he gets involved in something specifically the border crisis, inflation, supply chain, meat industry, and crime.

When it comes to foreign matters, Biden always does the wrong thing, and  we’ve seen how much he humiliated our country through poor relations with China, Russia, and Afghanistan.

Now, Biden is returning the nuclear deal from Iran that Obama started. Instead of continuing President Trump’s advocacy at the borders… he chooses to continue the poor actions of his incompetent dem predecessor.

The Biden administration and the Islamic Republic of Iran want to bring back the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCOPA).

Republican Senator Tom Cotton thinks Biden revived this deal because he didn’t want to offend Vladimir Putin… and risk sabotaging a nuclear deal with Iran.

Cotton shared his thoughts during an interview on Fox this March. The senator clarified that the Russia-Ukraine war is connected to the nuclear deal. He said, “The war in Ukraine is actually closely connected to this terrible nuclear deal in Iran.”

The senator also exposed how scared Biden is of Putin. Cotton added, “One of the reasons why he was so weak over the last year is he didn’t want to do anything to offend Vladimir Putin and upset the apple cart with this nuclear deal with Iran.”

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is also not impressed with Biden’s irrational decision. 

Haley believes that Biden trusts a war criminal to negotiate the nuclear deal. She said, “Keep in mind that same war criminal that you are complaining about is… the same war criminal that America is trusting… to negotiate with terrorists with the Iran deal.”

Then she added, “America has always stood for freedom (and) democracy. Zelenskyy is begging for planes… and Biden’s running scared because he’s worried that will make Putin mad. It’s really infuriating, and it’s embarrassing.”

Let’s not forget that a few months ago, Biden threatened that he will punish Russia if they invaded Ukraine. Now that the war has started, the demo-rat is intimidated and revived the nuclear deal with Iran to avoid Putin’s wrath. 

Biden’s cowardice triggered a group of nearly 200 House Republicans to warn him against the nuclear deal with Iran. 

They wrote in a statement, “If you forge an agreement with the Supreme Leader of Iran without formal Congressional approval, it will be temporary and non-binding and will meet the same fate as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.” 

Then they warned Biden not to stir corruption within the administration. They added,  “We hope to see the day where all U.S. sanctions on Iran can be lifted… But that day will not come if you provide sanctions relief… that will fuel the regime’s corruption and incompetence.”

Even our GOPs are working together to stop Biden’s impending failure. From its looks, Biden is not mentally fit to lead our country. This just sums up how weak our president truly is.

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