How Dems Profit from Their Agenda

When Joe Biden announced plans to invest big in electric vehicles, environmentalists celebrated…

So did Nancy Pelosi – for a very different reason.

Pelosi, and many other dems, stands to unfairly make millions because of Biden’s strategy… here’s how.

Back in December, dem Speaker Nancy Pelosi invested about $1 million in overpriced Tesla stock, as the latest addition to her unacceptably vast stock portfolio. 

This Monday, when Biden announced that he’d be converting the Federal fleet to an all-electric setup, that same stock soared, bringing investors like Pelosi vast, immediate profits.

The thing is, this isn’t ordinary trading… it’s a serious problem. 

As a high-ranking member of the democrat party, Pelosi must have known far more about Biden’s plans than other people…

And there’s no reason to believe she didn’t know about his environmental plans…

So it’s difficult to argue that it’s just a coincidence that she invested in a stock that was practically guaranteed to rise after Biden announced his plans. 

Of course, you’ll remember that Pelosi spent the last 4 years accusing President Trump of corruption. Now that she’s directly profiting from her boss’ agenda, it’s a very different story.

No one’s asking the obvious question – why do we keep letting this happen?

It’s time to get more serious about stopping corruption.

We already expect any President to stop working on their businesses, whether it’s President Trump’s booming businesses, Jimmy Carter’s peanut farm, or anything else. 

It doesn’t make sense to allow our elected officials to continue making millions by trading stock they know their agenda will improve.

You could almost call it insider trading… using private information to profit in a way that no one else could.

Elected officials should never be in a position where making a particular decision could make them millions… it’s the exact kind of corruption that the Founding fathers wanted to escape from.

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One Thought to “How Dems Profit from Their Agenda”

  1. GI Bride

    Polosi invested $1. millions in Tesla stock. just like she did in wind propellers just before Obama announced a tax break for the company that Polosi invested in the Oregon company. . It is time to stop all salaries for those in congress that have served more than 3 terms. & no pensions or perks.

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