Low-Energy Biden Fails Again

According to the dems, the plan is to totally transition the country to 100% renewable energy by 2035… Obviously, it’s going to end up like every other dem plan… an expensive failure.

As America transitions away from oil and coal to “clean energy” sources such as wind and solar, its impact on the economy is evident.  

These changes don’t come without a price, especially when you’re dealing with a Democratic agenda…

Former Trump economic advisor Stephen Moore is calling Biden’s plan a “Backwards energy policy”, and for good reason; it seems like his plans for “clean energy” only seem to be reversing the policies put into place by President Trump, abandoning investments in independent, all-American energy.  

Biden’s war against American energy, combined with the increasing threat of inflation has caused oil prices to rise rapidly, with barrels of oil going for roughly $70. You’ve seen the pictures… thousands of people stocking up on oil before it’s too late. 

If you’ve seen the prices of gas over the last couple of months, you can thank Biden’s energy plan for that.

His decision to cut off American energy when we’ve only just achieved independence is a major shock, and an even more dangerous decision with the current state of the economy. 

After the recent lift in COVID lockdowns and mask requirements, the economy is making an attempt to rebuild itself, but the Biden administration’s tax and energy agendas are only going to stop this economic growth right in its tracks.  

Not only does his plan for “cleaner energy” pose a direct threat to the economy, but it also fails to highlight several real issues when it comes time to actually implement “clean energy” technologies… issues the mainstream media will never acknowledge. 

The big problem here is that Biden’s plan for “clean energy” doesn’t bother to mention the vast amount of rare-earth metals required to build the technology needed for his transition.

These “energy transition materials” have to be mined and processed, an intensive process that can’t just be scaled up out of nowhere.

After it’s all said and done, this “clean energy” plan is going to be just as costly and have just as large of an ecological footprint on the environment as fuel-intensive energy does – while sacrificing a key part of American independence, and funnelling huge payouts to billionaire dem allies. 

The costs of transitioning from one type of energy to another don’t seem to actually be any “cleaner”…

But we should not be focusing all our attention on just two sources of energy so early in the game, especially when we’re not properly equipped to meet the demand that is required to utilize such high levels of “clean energy” resources.

The moral of the story is that Biden just wants to cut corners and look for any way to push his agenda for higher taxes by calling it a “climate change initiative”.  

President Trump’s achievements towards American energy independence are only being squashed by Biden’s backward plans and narrow thinking; in an economy that is only now beginning to recover, it’s time to reject Biden’s schemes.

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2 Thoughts to “Low-Energy Biden Fails Again”

  1. T Beach

    Obiden is getting kick backs from all the oil and gas companies overseas. Why else would he shut down our pipeline and then buy millions in oil from Iran of all places. Probably the same reason they sent pallets of cash and weapons to ISIS when Obummer was in office. They dont do anything for nothing. Gotta be something in it for Joe. Maybe Hunter needs another job.

  2. kimberly frechette

    I believe that BIDEN is aware & working on banning assault weapons, & wepons of mass destruction, its the NRA that is fighting him. Give the man a chance to move forward with heightened security measures I truly believe he will stand tall on all of this

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