Manchin and Sinema Save Children’s Lives

Our patriot leaders continue to fight against abortion. They believe it is morally wrong to take the life of an innocent child. 

Every child’s life is valuable and worth saving. They will continue to fight for the rights of the unborn and work to ensure every child has a chance to live to the fullest. We’ve seen several states ban abortion, such as:

  • Texas
  • Louisiana
  • Arizona
  • Idaho
  • Florida

The Catholic Church is also furious with the dems’ support for abortion. They believe the liberals are okay with killing millions of innocent unborn children. 

Even some straight Democrats are scrutinizing Biden for approving abortion. They question his moral compass and whether he is genuinely in touch with the party’s values. It’s good to know that there are still Democrats willing to fight for what is right.

Democrat Senators Oppose Biden’s Plan of Susupending Filibuster to Meddle With Abortion Rights

Biden proposed US senators remove legislative roadblocks to restore abortion rights. However, two straight Democrats rejected Biden’s proposal to lift the Senate “filibuster.” These are Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin. 

We remember Sen. Joe Manchin as one of the leaders who opposed Biden’s trillion-dollar spending plan. On the other hand, Sen. Krysten Sinema was one of the key players who helped Republicans succeed in defending the filibuster from getting shut down earlier this year.

This time, Biden is trying to hit two birds with one stone. The demo-rat attempts to suspend the filibuster… so he can control the country’s abortion rights.

Biden shared his thoughts at a NATO conference in Madrid. He believes that it is imperative to pass laws making abortion a right in all 50 states in the US. Biden said, “If the filibuster gets in the way – it’s like voting rights – it should be we provide an exception for this.”

Without enough votes in Congress to suspend the filibuster… Biden’s statement would mean nothing. The situation would be favorable for our patriots.

The Two Straight Democrats Remain Firm Against Biden

Meanwhile, Sen. Manchin’s spokesman and Sen. Sinema’s aide shared their side of the story on Reuters. They made it clear that their respective positions would not change. The two straight democrats will continue to oppose Biden from suspending the filibuster. They’re doing everything they can to stop the dems from meddling with our abortion rights.

Fortunately, Biden would need their votes for Congress to fulfill their plan of:

  • Suspending the filibuster
  • Passing a law to make abortion legal for all states

In reality, the far left’s politically motivated agenda will only be the cause of murder in the US. Moreover, they’re taking away children’s futures with their power. When the dems cannot compete with the truth… they seek to change the rules or destroy their opponents.

Manchin and Sinema’s actions saved thousands of lives along the way. Our country is very grateful to have them for doing the right thing.

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