Manchin Emphasizes the Importance of American Energy Security

Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has refused to endorse Biden’s potential re-election campaign in 2024. Right now, he’s siding more with conservative projects rather than supporting his party.

Manchin Declines to Endorse Biden’s 2024 Campaign

During Manchin’s appearance on CBS News’s “Face the Nation,” he said he would like to wait and see all the options before deciding. Manchin added that there is plenty of time for the election. He believes starting an election every time a cycle comes up is a problem in America. 

Manchin’s statement on his political future could have been more explicit. He said he would make announcements at the end of the year as he has too much to do now. Manchin is facing a severe challenge from Republicans in 2024, and they are gearing up to flip his seat. 

So far, only he and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley have formally announced their campaigns. Senator Manchin’s refusal to endorse Biden’s potential re-election campaign may surprise some. 

However, it is consistent with Manchin’s record as a moderate Democrat who has been known to buck the party line on occasion. He has been a vocal critic of progressive policies proposed by members of his party including:

  • Green New Deal 
  • Medicare for All

Nevertheless, Manchin’s comments suggest he is cautious about the 2024 election. He’s only willing to commit to a candidate after considering all the options carefully.

Manchin Sides With GOP on Biden Oil Drilling Project

Manchin joined Republican lawmakers in supporting the decision to approve the ConocoPhillips Willow Project, a 30-year oil drilling project in Alaska…

Manchin also serves as the chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. He believes that:

  • The decision was a long-awaited and critical step toward improving American energy security
  • Responsible development of natural resources is essential to maintain the US’s status… as a superpower capable of supporting allies around the world

Manchin’s spokesperson cited his record on energy production over the past year… including voting against every proposed amendment to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in the Senate. 

The spokesperson said these amendments would have been “poison pills” to the IRA. This includes energy security provisions that Manchin supported. These provisions are necessary for: 

  • The Gulf Lease Sale 257
  • The three mandatory offshore lease sales

Manchin had sharply criticized Biden’s “radical climate agenda.” He urged the administration to develop and implement a five-year oil… and gas leasing plan and increase oil production. He even tanked one of Biden’s nominations for a position… within the Department of the Interior over the nominee’s climate activism.

Manchin demonstrates his commitment to the responsible development of natural resources and strengthening America’s energy security… 

Moreover, his record on energy production shows his dedication to supporting energy security provisions… and he wants the US to benefit from it.

Despite pushback from fellow Democrats on the project’s environmental impact, Manchin’s stance aligns with his conservative values and belief in the importance of American energy independence…

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