Manchin Pretends to Care for the Border While Implementing Liberal Agenda

Our patriots have rightfully lost their trust in Joe Manchin… especially after he endorsed the Inflation Reduction Act. This policy is expected to strain our economy. Moreover, it shows how questionable Manchin’s intentions are.

Manchin Wants White House to Keep Title 42 Border Policy

In a letter to the White House, Manchin and three lawmakers from Texas implored administration officials to extend the Title 42 order. This legislation blocks illegal immigrants from entering the United States.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention invoked Title 42 in March 2020. Specifically during the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Title 42 order intends to allow immigration officials to block illegal immigrants… from countries with high Covid-19 infection rates.

Biden has sought to have the policy removed in recent months. However, Manchin and the Texas lawmakers warn that ending the Title 42 order now will cause the border crisis to intensify.

Now, Manchin pretends that he cares for our borders. For the most part, our patriots doubt his actions…

“We have a crisis at our southern border. Never before in our nation’s history have we experienced this scope and scale of illegal border crossings. We remain concerned that your administration has not provided sufficient support or resources to the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)… who are tasked with maintaining border security,” Manchin said.

He added, “While admittedly imperfect, termination of the CDC’s Title 42 order at this time will result in a complete loss of operational control… over the southern border. This is a profoundly negative impact on border communities. [There will be] significant suffering and fatalities among the migrants. [Specifically, those who are] unlawfully entering the United States.”

Manchin and the Texas lawmakers say a legislative solution to the problem is the only path forward. Moreover, they believe “negotiations will take time.”

Senate Rejects Manchin’s Energy Permitting Amendment to Defense Bill

The Senate has rejected Manchin’s latest effort to attach his energy deal with Majority Leader Charles Schumer… to pass legislation dem’s legislation. It ended in a 47-47 vote that did not exactly fall along party lines.

Manchin slammed his Republican colleagues who voted against the measure. The demo-rat implies that our patriots should put politics ahead of the country. He said, “Once again, [Senate Minority Leader] Mitch McConnell… and Republican leadership has put their own political agenda… above the needs of the American people.”

He added, “Mitch McConnell and his Republican caucus voted down a bill that would have completed the Mountain Valley Pipeline. It quickly delivered natural gas to the market lowering home heating costs for families… and making America more energy secure and independent.  Anyone who voted against permitting reform has failed to act in the best interest of our country.”

It’s a little late for Manchin to come clean now. Let’s not forget how he failed us with the Inflation Reduction Act at the last minute. 

Manchin should remember the new bill he recently approved only does these things: 

  • INCREASES everyone’s taxes
  • INCREASES the size of the government
  • INCREASES inflation

There’s no way he could easily fool us again. We have learned our lesson this time.

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