Minnesota Health Care Workers Sue Employers to Block Vaccine Mandate

Health care workers in Minnesota are locked into a fight for their freedom of choice. They’re doing everything they can to avoid these forceful vaccine mandates.

The Administration has already begun enforcing these mandates across the country… and now they are honing in on each state. 

Some of the biggest health care facilities in the state are being hit by this mandate, including:

  • The Mayo Clinic
  • Allina Health
  • Health Fairview
  • Children’s Minnesota

The twisted dems are putting these heroes on a tightrope despite their efforts to save people’s lives every day for the last 2 years. These liberals are giving them only two choices… It’s either “you get vaccinated” or “you get fired.”

That’s why they were forced to stand together and take legal action…

Nearly 200 health care workers are suing their employers and the federal government. The suit claims that the vaccine mandate is violating their rights.

Attorney Greg Erickson represented the health care workers who are behind the lawsuit. He’s expecting up to 1,000 more workers to join the suit. 

He also believes that the dems are making another irrational decision. He said, “You’re talking about people who held the hand of people dying of COVID. These folks risked their lives to help these patients. Now they’re being terminated… because their religious beliefs won’t allow them to take the vaccine? It’s really sad.” 

Then he added, “We have a catastrophic, massive nursing shortage. What do you think is going to happen if we terminate a significant portion of the nursing population in the state?”

Erickson also revealed that the group who signed the suit consists of: 

  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • Technologists that have religious reservations
  • Pregnant women
  • Young health care workers. 

Erikson did not disclose their identity to protect their jobs and privacy. He’s hoping that the injunction gets granted quickly.

The Minnesota Nurses Association favors not forcing these mandates on health care workers. Their board released a statement that says they support “voluntary vaccination programs.”

They’re also concerned with the dem’s move of threatening the health worker’s livelihood. “We question the timing of the impending vaccine mandates and believe these mandates will continue to exacerbate staffing shortages.” 

It’s a good thing that there are organizations that value the freedom of our Patriot health workers in Minnesota. Our battle is going well so far…

In fact, constitutional law professor David Schultz says the lawsuit has a chance to succeed… and has a particularly strong case for religious exemptions.

“The current U.S. Supreme Court, which is 6-3 conservative-leaning, has very much been supportive of religious liberty arguments in the last couple of years regarding the pandemic,” he said.

The health workers in Minnesota have the right to choose whether or not they get vaccinated. The chemicals inside the vaccines are still experimental with many adverse reactions… including death. 

The dems have no right to treat Americans like lab rats… 

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